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Industry Insights

  • These In-House Campaigns Showcase Messages of Inspiration

    Pulse   October 18, 2024  

    Engaging consumers through empathy not only prioritizes a human-centric approach to advertising, but also fosters genuine connection and community through relatable and inspirational content. Focusing on positive emotions, and the ways all people can help create a better environment physically and emotionally for themselves and others, can help boost ad recall and brand loyalty. It’s common sense too: Everyone wants to feel good – and feel connected to others around them.

  • #NoSabo Kids: A Latino Gen Z Movement 200 Years in the Making

    Leading Edge   October 17, 2024  

    In recent years, a curious trend has gained momentum among Hispanic gen Zers: the #NoSabo Kid movement. It has manifested primarily on social media platforms, namely TikTok and Instagram — and it has gained the attention of mainstream news outlets nationwide.

  • Marketing to Older Generations

    Pulse   October 17, 2024  

    With all the marketing focus trained on millennials and members of generation Z, one might think that baby boomers and older people had vanished entirely — or had at least become an irrelevant demographic for marketers. This cohort, however, remains a sizable one, with needs that organizations can meet in mutually beneficial relationships.

  • The Evolution Toward Permissioned Data

    Leading Edge   October 16, 2024  

    The advertising industry has been captivated by the notion of "signal deprecation" for a while now. This term, in my view, misses the point. We are not witnessing the death of signals or the loss of something valuable. Instead, we are seeing its evolution — specifically, the evolution toward permissioned data.

  • Despite the Hype, Marketers Are Still in the First Inning of the AI Cycle

    Leading Edge   October 15, 2024  

    The advertising and marketing industry has always thrived on hype. It’s at the heart of what we do. But the hype has historically been shared across brands, campaigns, agencies, people, new hires, media, and technology. Currently, the spotlight has shifted to AI, which dominates almost every industry conversation.

  • As U.S. Display Advertising Takes a Turn Towards Quality, Good Things Happen

    Leading Edge   October 14, 2024  

    As a Norwegian who grew up in the U.S. and now goes back and forth between the two countries, it is fascinating to see differences in U.S. versus European advertising. European advertisers contend with small populations that speak different languages, the GDPR, greenwashing laws and a generally slower to emerge CTV landscape. The U.S. on the other hand is a huge wide-open landscape, with opportunities to reach highly scaled audiences, use data targeting, create innovative tech, and generally go further faster.

  • B2B in 2024: A Guide to Successful Campaigns

    Leading Edge   October 14, 2024  

    In 2024, account-based marketing (ABM) is table stakes for B2B marketers. A tried-and-true ABM strategy is foundational for connecting with clients and prospects in a targeted, relevant way — but it’s not the only B2B marketing strategy. Setting your brand apart from the rest and driving real, sustainable growth requires more.

  • Editor Highlights: Shopper Journeys, In-House Agencies, & ABM

    Pulse   October 11, 2024  

    Do you feel like it’s a challenge to keep up with the latest trends, best practices, and marketing strategies? You aren’t alone. Bimonthly, ANA’s Pulse will highlight content within ANA’s resources hub, from Industry Insights, Knowledge Partner contributions, ANA Magazine, case studies, Marketing 101, Tools and Playbooks, and more. This way, the hard work of finding actionable insights, marketing trends, and helpful guides is done for you.

  • These In-House Campaigns Successfully Leveraged Collaborations

    Pulse   October 11, 2024  

    Partnerships and collaborations between different brands and/or creators can significantly improve consumer engagement, loyalty, and preference. Whether collaborating on a swag line or creating a video series with a creator, brand activations can powerfully provide experiences, memorable moments, and delight.

  • Harnessing the Power of Metadata for AI-Generated Content

    Leading Edge   October 10, 2024  

    In the era of generative AI (gen AI), marketers face an unprecedented challenge: how to harness the power of AI to create compelling and effective content at scale. The exponential growth of gen AI content has created a content supply chain that is vast, complex, and ever evolving. To navigate this new landscape, marketers must develop a deep understanding of the metadata (the data that describes the content) that underpins AI-generated content.

  • Latinos: Verizon’s Growth Disruptors

    Pulse   October 9, 2024  

    Ricardo Aspiazu is the SVP of creative and brand design at Verizon. He will be speaking at the ANA Multicultural Marketing & Diversity Conference, Nov 18-20 in Las Vegas. ANA SVP of brand and media, Julie Weitzner, recently sat down with Ricardo for a pre-conference interview in which they discussed why multicultural marketing IS mainstream marketing, and how that strategic approach is a business driver for Verizon.

  • The Importance of Cross-Functional Relationships

    Leading Edge   October 9, 2024  

    Revenue operations (RevOps) is often viewed as the silver bullet to siloed decision-making and inconsistent data sources, but you can’t expect a perfectly cohesive operation simply by investing in an organizational structure. If anything, we’ve found that sometimes revenue operations can just be sales operations in disguise, with some added responsibilities to other internal stakeholders. If sales is still the dominant voice in your go-to-market planning and execution, you’re missing out on the potential benefits of a truly cross-functional revenue operations group.

  • Media Agency Pitches Don’t Talk About Creative Data, Here’s Why They Should

    Leading Edge   October 8, 2024  

    If there’s one universal truth for agencies, it’s that no client agreement is guaranteed to last forever. Sooner or later, they will face a request for proposal (RFP) that initiates the familiar dance of re-courting client favor. But as advertising trading methods and targeting approaches evolve, sticking to “how we’ve done things before” won’t be enough.

  • The Art (and Science) of Who Not to Target with Your Fundraising Campaigns

    Leading Edge   October 7, 2024  

    A nonprofit's journey to greater impact doesn’t just hinge on stellar campaigns and compelling missions. It's also about precision in reaching the right audience — those genuinely aligned with your cause and able to contribute. Amid the transformative power of technology, particularly AI and machine learning (ML), lies an often under-emphasized strategy: knowing who not to target.

  • These In-House Awards Are Actually Hilarious

    Pulse   October 4, 2024  

    It’s not everyday that you get a good laugh out of an ad. At least, for me, it’s not. There’s a fine line between an ad being truly funny and hitting on something honest – and it just feeling cheesy and awkward. When the joke is really off, the audience can feel completely confused and/or disconnected.

  • How to Launch (Or Re-Launch) a Brand

    Leading Edge   October 3, 2024  

    A brand's (re)launch is a down payment on future growth. It’s the fuel that keeps a business thriving, engaging customers and building relevance. That’s why companies often incubate launch efforts – whether for new products, services or corporate rebranding – for years, investing heavily in their debut.

  • Building a Multicultural Fan Base

    Pulse   October 2, 2024  

    Kim Davis is Senior Executive Vice President of Social Impact, Growth Initiatives & Legislative Affairs and Jennifer Ekeleme is Vice President of Multicultural Engagement and Integration at the National Hockey League (NHL). They will be speakers at the ANA Multicultural Marketing & Diversity Conference, November 18-20 in Las Vegas. ANA Director of Multicultural and Diversity Initiatives Karim Amadeo recently sat down with Kim and Jennifer for a pre-conference interview in which they discussed their inclusion strategies for building a multicultural fan base in traditional sports.

  • The Future of Digital Advertising: Flourishing with First Party Solutions

    Leading Edge   October 2, 2024  

    What’s next when it comes to the use of third-party data? While there is still much uncertainty for the future of third-party cookies, long the backbone of online tracking and targeting, this update is forcing a radical rethinking of data strategies.

  • From Click to Brick: Bridging Digital and Physical Shopping Journeys

    Leading Edge   October 1, 2024  

    Attribution is at a critical juncture. So, what new innovations and solutions are available to help you keep up and achieve your goals? Consider the power of trusted location intelligence, fueled by AI. New developments in the space are unlocking untapped opportunities for marketers, providing rich insights into the customer journey from exposure to visits to purchase.

  • The Growing Divide Between Brands and the Internet

    Leading Edge   September 30, 2024  

    Because it is very unlikely that the internet is going to become a more hospitable place, brands need to take proactive measures to diversify their media investments to create compelling customer experiences while prioritizing brand safety and compliance.
