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Industry Insights

  • Marketing Automation Is a Cost-Effective Paradigm Shift

    Leading Edge   April 12, 2023  

    Marketing automation has all too often been looked at as a “nice to have” for companies. Yet, those exact same companies often find reasons to complain about organizational inefficiency and its pressures on their balance sheets. In stating the obvious that protecting margins is truly paramount for brand marketers, while improving performance and service levels, then automation would seem to be a “must have” that is central to resource allocations.

  • Getting the Most from Your Inside Sales Team

    Leading Edge   April 11, 2023  

    The inside sales team is not the same as it was a few years ago. The importance of field sales and the opportunity to influence buyers through one point of human contact with the customer has been declining for years, and COVID-19 accelerated that trend. Three trends are driving significant changes in how inside sales teams are configured and deployed and resulting implications.

  • Sustainability and Marketing Earth Day & Beyond

    Pulse   April 11, 2023  

    Tips for sustainable marketing

  • 5 Inspiring Quotes on Leading with Purpose

    Pulse   April 10, 2023  

    ANA events bring together some of the smartest and most-talented marketers in the industry to share insights and best practices that help ANA members get the most out of their own marketing efforts.

  • Mastering the In-House Agency Evaluation

    Leading Edge   April 10, 2023  

    How do you currently measure the health of your relationship with your in-house creative teams? As with any good working partnership, it’s important to set expectations and monitor progress and achievements.

  • Is Your Influencer Marketing Program Compliant?

    Leading Edge   April 7, 2023  

    In 2022, advertisers spent over $16 billion globally on influencer marketing, an 18.8 percent increase over the prior year. Fueling the growth of this sector is the purported return on investment, which claims an average of $5.20 for every $1.00 invested, according to Influencer Marketing Hub.

  • A Q&A with Co-Host of ANA Advertising Financial Management Conference

    Leading Edge   April 6, 2023  

    The ANA Advertising Financial Management Conference is an event that brings together marketing and procurement professionals to discuss the latest trends and challenges facing the industry. The ANA previously announced the co-chairs for the 2023 ANA Advertising Financial Management Conference, which includes Katherine Freeley, global head media and digital, procurement at Novartis.

  • Spring into Your Marketing Campaigns with Green Tips for Earth Day and Every Day

    Ethics Issue Alerts   April 6, 2023  

    As we approach Earth Day, April 22 2023, it is a good time to act as businesses, organizations, and consumers to maximize our limited resources, reduce our carbon footprint, and build trust in our industry as one that respects the environment.

  • Why Video Advertising Needs a More Direct Supply Path

    Leading Edge   April 6, 2023  

    The dawn of streaming changed the game for video advertising. With more video inventory available now than ever before, how is the industry working to ensure buyers and sellers get what they need? What new technologies does the explosive medium call for, and which legacy systems should be left behind?

  • A New Workforce Reality for Media Buying

    Leading Edge   April 5, 2023  

    The threat of recession and a downturn in ad spend hasn’t done much to ease the burden on employers sourcing talent in the media buying world.

  • A Q&A with H&R Block Chief Marketing & Experience Officer Jill Cress

    Pulse   April 5, 2023  

    Jill Cress is presenting a session, "H&R Block: A Crisis of Relevancy Confronted with Purpose" at the ANA 2023 Brand Masters Conference from April 26 to 28 in Bonita Springs, Florida. ANA's Mike Kaufman, SVP of brand and media, recently interviewed him for a pre-conference discussion.

  • Best Practices for Augmenting Your In-House Agency with Contractors

    Leading Edge   April 4, 2023  

    Most in-house agencies are built with a mix of staff employees, contractors, and freelancers which allows flexibility to scale and address burst capacity needs, seemingly, a sound business and operational approach.

  • Sustainable Ad Operations Are Possible

    Leading Edge   April 4, 2023  

    Chances are you’ve had a late night moment of despair when you realize just how big your company’s carbon footprint really is — and how little you may think you can do about it.

  • The Future of Consumer Ownership

    Leading Edge   March 31, 2023  

    When it comes to technology and data, and how it’s used, companies have historically controlled the levers. However, with all the recent and upcoming industry changes, there are cultural changes afoot. Many industry leaders believe consumers will be in more powerful positions than in the past, having more control over their data and their purchases.

  • AFM Conference Co-Chair Discusses Supplier Diversity Strategy

    Leading Edge   March 30, 2023  

    The ANA previously announced the co-chairs for the 2023 ANA Advertising Financial Management Conference, which includes Simona Rabsatt Butler, senior director of media, events, and sponsorship at Visa.

  • Viewer “Rabbit Holes” Are an Untapped Goldmine for Brands

    Leading Edge   March 30, 2023  

    In the same way that short-form content on platforms like YouTube captivated users over a decade ago, free ad-supported television (FAST) channels can lead their viewers down even deeper rabbit holes with long form content. The ability for FAST channels to truly engage audiences and take them on a journey makes ad-supported streaming an increasingly efficient way for advertisers to reach audiences, at scale and in a contextual and targeted way.

  • Dispelling Myths on Marketing to Older People

    Leading Edge   March 29, 2023  

    In a world that is often youth-obsessed, and chasing younger generations’ attention spans and interests, older people are overlooked. Even worse, they are cast off as unimportant. And yet, 35 percent of the U.S. population is 50 or older, according AARP, illustrating that much of the population is being left out of crucial moments in media, advertising, and product development.

  • Flourishing at the Margins of Local-Market Omnichannel Advertising

    Leading Edge   March 29, 2023  

    Legacy media businesses have been under increasing pressure since the advent of the modern internet in the 1990s. Once secure with healthy margins on their advertising inventory, media companies have since been forced to adapt to an audience that has fractured across a proliferation of channels and advertisers that are no longer content to spend money without some form of guaranteed return on investment.

  • A Q&A with Hue Founder & CEO Fahad Khawaja

    Leading Edge   March 28, 2023  

    According to Harvard Business Review, and a lot of anecdotal evidence that we can all point to, companies cut marketing budgets in a recession. Not only that, retail brand budgets can be the first to get slashed as they are the hardest to connect to sales numbers. For the brand budgets that are left, advertisers worry how they can drive any meaningful value if they can’t get the reach or impact that they might feel they need.

  • Social Media Is Not Social: Unpacking the 4 Reasons We Can’t Disconnect

    Leading Edge   March 28, 2023  

    There are four core motivations people can have for engaging with the various platforms. These may or may not be conducive to them noticing a brand's content while on a given platform.
