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Industry Insights

  • Stop Worrying About Signal Loss and Concentrate on the Gains

    Leading Edge   December 16, 2022  

    The latest version of the IAB’s State of Data report makes it clear that the ad world is deep into an era of signal loss. Cookie deprecation looms, yet its state regulations that will likely deliver the crippling blow to behavioral targeting as we know it.

  • How to Improve Customer Retention Among First-Time Holiday Shoppers

    Leading Edge   December 15, 2022  

    As retailers prepare for another rollercoaster of a holiday season, they have a lot to look forward to. After 2021 saw a 17-year high of holiday shoppers spending 8.5 percent more year over year (YOY), forecasters predict continued growth despite the threat of a recession and looming inflation on the horizon.

  • Is BeReal a Lucrative Platform for Brands?

    Pulse   December 15, 2022  

    Besides the fact that the app is more ideologically similar to gen Z's wants, the app has reached "3.3 million downloads globally in Q1 of this year, a 390 percent jump from Q4 of 2021, according to data.ai. It sits in the No. 1 spot for free apps in Apple's App Store," as reported by Marketing Brew. These numbers are telling an important story: Gen Z is tired of promoting stilted selves.

  • Supporting Customer Success: How to Help Shoppers Achieve Their New Year’s Resolutions

    Leading Edge   December 15, 2022  

    With this year ending, New Year’s resolutions are on everyone’s minds. Whether intentionally or not, consumers are making promises to themselves and looking for the right products and/or services to help them make good on their goals.

  • 4 Challenges Facing Retailers Today & How to Overcome Them

    Leading Edge   December 14, 2022  

    Constant disruption has become the norm for the retail sector, with changing technologies, an increasingly saturated market, and a global pandemic creating continuous chaos in recent years. If you’re a retailer hoping to remain relevant, scale, and increase your ROI, it’s essential to stay ahead of the curve. To help you stay afloat and thrive in today’s turbulent market, here are four common challenges facing retailers — and what you can do to overcome them.

  • The Emotional Side of Inclusion

    Leading Edge   December 13, 2022  

    I only started to embrace the emotional side of inclusion after the pandemic started. Intellectually, I understood what this word meant. I’ve written about the topic in multiple large scale studies that were published by the ANA Educational Foundation: The Diversity Disconnect: Charting Future Pathways to Inclusive Growth and My Voice Matters: Linking Inclusion to Business Growth.

  • There’s No More Excuses to Not Buy In-App Ads

    Leading Edge   December 9, 2022  

    “Nomophobia,” or fear of being without a mobile device or beyond contact, is a real thing: more than half (53 percent) of mobile phone users are “anxious” when they cannot locate their phone, run out of battery or credit, or have no network coverage.

  • 3 Key Insights for Marketers from the UN’s Climate Change Conference

    Leading Edge   December 8, 2022  

    At this year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference (known as COP27), held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, business took a seat at the table more than ever. Last year’s COP26 in Glasgow was a breakthrough for private sector participation; the business community came in force to share sustainability commitments and collaborate on advancing a greener future.

  • TMA Super Poll Reveals Keys to Super Bowl Success

    Leading Edge   December 8, 2022  

    The Big Game is big business. The audience size alone might justify the $7 million price tag for a 30-second spot in the Super Bowl, but this audience is also uniquely eager to watch ads. As many people tune in primarily for the commercials as for the game, the TMA Super Poll found.

  • ANA 2022 Marketing Word of the Year: Inclusion

    Leading Edge   December 7, 2022  

    Since 2014, the ANA has surveyed its members to identify the marketing word of the year. The 2022 winner Is “Inclusion.”

  • Lack of Transparency Limits Trust

    Leading Edge   December 7, 2022  

    The question often asked of senior marketers by their C-suite peers and in turn by marketers of their agency partners is: “Are we getting optimal value in return for our marketing investment?” This is a simple question, but one that is not easily answered given the breadth and intricacies of an advertisers marketing communications investment.

  • With a Potential Recession Looming, Brands Want More Data

    Leading Edge   December 7, 2022  

    The economy has been flirting with a full-blown recession for months, a fear that continues to influence business decision-makers. While the obvious signs, such as hiring freezes and employment stats, get splashed across the media, other indicators are more subtle, and potentially more helpful.

  • Forrester Study Shows the Benefits of Digital Innovation

    Pulse   December 6, 2022  

    Bounteous commissioned a study conducted by Forrester Consulting research in 2022 “to evaluate the state of digital transformation maturity and the benefits companies at varying levels of maturity have realized” through an online survey with 415 respondents and six interviews with customer digital leaders.

  • How to Avoid In-Housing Purgatory

    Leading Edge   December 6, 2022  

    What is in-housing purgatory? It’s when companies are stuck half-way between building media technology and buying it. Many organizations have only accomplished a middle state where they have hired a few employees to become power-users of certain platforms, and where they have perhaps added a superficial layer of UX on top of those platforms and technologies.

  • 4 Inspiring Quotes for Marketers on Finding Purpose

    Pulse   December 5, 2022  

    ANA events bring together some of the smartest and most-talented marketers in the industry to share insights and best practices that help ANA members get the most out of their own marketing efforts.

  • Brand Marketers Can Forge a Personified Path to Growth

    Leading Edge   December 1, 2022  

    Brand marketers have been battening down the hatches as they navigate the current macroeconomic and geopolitical storm. While much of the conversation and strategizing has been around budgets and profit and loss (P&L) maneuvering with uncertainty clouding the horizon, it would be wise for brands to also allocate bandwidth to proactively devise a digital advertising strategy for 2023 and beyond. The “beyond” in this instance could be inferred as the paradigm shift from the era of personalized advertising to the era of personified advertising.

  • Brands Still Relying on Cookies This Holiday Season Are Lagging Behind

    Leading Edge   November 30, 2022  

    Google keeps pushing back its date for the so-called “cookie apocalypse.” But if you’re a retailer hoping to prosper in the 2022 holiday season, that doesn’t matter one bit. If you’re still relying on third-party cookies, you might be as doomed from a long-term perspective as the cookie itself.

  • Procter & Gamble “Widens the Screen” to Show the Diverse Depth of Black Life

    Pulse   November 30, 2022  

    In his presentation at the ANA’s 2022 Masters of Marketing Conference, Marc Pritchard, chief brand officer at The Procter & Gamble Company, declared that the greatest opportunity for business growth is engaging multicultural segments, a market that has over $5 trillion of buying power.

  • The Reconstruction of the Agency Landscape: Where Do We Go From Here?

    Leading Edge   November 30, 2022  

    The rising amount of pressure agencies and marketing teams are under has been becoming clearer. The state of the economy has restricted budgets, paused investments, and slowed down business deals, to name a few of many mounting challenges.

  • How Advertisers Can Give Their Agencies Actionable Feedback

    Leading Edge   November 29, 2022  

    Like marriage, client-agency relationships require a high level of investment, commitment, and long-term mindset to understand, grow together and respond to each other's needs.
