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Industry Insights

  • 6 Things to Know About TV in a Digital World

    Leading Edge   June 6, 2022  

    The current media landscape is defined by screens across devices; we absolutely live in a multiscreen world with around the clock access to content. While viewers may not differentiate between linear, connected and streaming TV, marketers’ awareness of these differences is crucial for successful campaigns. Below are six key takeaways from new media research studies that marketers need to know in order to reach audiences at scale and make informed media planning decisions.

  • 5 Inspiring Quotes on Diversity and Purpose

    Pulse   June 3, 2022  

    ANA events bring together some of the smartest and most-talented marketers in the industry to share insights and best practices that help ANA members get the most out of their own marketing efforts.

  • Don't Let Turnover Damage Your Brand’s Data Strategy

    Leading Edge   June 2, 2022  

    Brands are aware of the need to be first-party data-driven, yet many of their data strategies have not progressed far enough in this direction. Google’s plans to end third-party cookie support have put brands on the clock. The larger privacy trend, of which cookie deprecation is just one component, should have brands exploring solutions that will allow them to maintain and evolve their marketing data strategies with the changing times.

  • Want to Boost Your Agency’s Efficiency? Automate These 4 Processes

    Leading Edge   June 2, 2022  

    To say that today’s digital marketing landscape is crowded would be an understatement. As technologies advance and business locations become less integral to servicing clients, creative agencies face more competition than ever before.

  • Why QR Codes Are the Future of Creative Advertising

    Leading Edge   June 2, 2022  

    While they aren't a new phenomenon, Coinbase's Super Bowl ad applied a novel approach to something many are exploring: QR codes. The no-context QR code ad, which was so successful that it generated more traffic than the company's app could handle, was likely a once-in-a-lifetime tactic to engage viewers in one of the most challenging advertising environments: the living room.

  • These Campaigns Genuinely Portray the LGBTQ+ Community

    Pulse   June 1, 2022  

    A truly powerful campaign that sheds light on human experience and tugs are our emotions from a deep, vulnerable place is no easy task. This is especially true when marketers want to tell stories authentically and not just rely on stereotypes.

  • How to Create Successful & Effective Content

    Leading Edge   May 31, 2022  

    There are a lot of things that go into building a website, but the piece that’s almost universally overlooked and underestimated in the design process is the content.

  • REGGIE Awards Recognize Excellence in Holiday and Seasonal Marketing

    Pulse   May 25, 2022  

    Seasons and holidays offer marketers opportunities to craft messages that chime with the cultural moment and thereby resonate more widely. Just think how a few animated polar bears not only made Coca-Cola more visible during the holiday season, but indeed made us anticipate the brand’s appearance on our TV sets from year to year whenever the snow began to fall.

  • Why Marketers Need Real-Time Insights to Stay Ahead

    Leading Edge   May 25, 2022  

    For brands, customer data is everything. Established brands that have been collecting data for years have traditionally had the upper hand over their competitors — largely due to a goldmine of rich customer insights that help inform future business decisions. But times are changing, and historical insights aren’t quite as valuable as they once were.

  • Creativity in Ads Matters More Than Ever

    Leading Edge   May 24, 2022  

    Every marketer and brand these days has a little black box of tricks that they can use in advertising technology: animated ads, ad trackers, rich media with video and audio, high-impact playable ads. The list goes on. But while the technology gets ever more sophisticated, and the experience for consumers has arguably gotten much worse.

  • Fake Warranties and Marketing Offers Cloaked as Unpaid Invoices

    Ethics Issue Alerts   May 22, 2022  

    ANA’s Consumer Affairs department has seen an increase in fake car warranty offers and marketing offers cloaked as unpaid invoices. In response, the group has created this update, providing guidance and resources on the subject.

  • Use This Tactic to Get More Out of Mobile Ads

    Leading Edge   May 20, 2022  

    In the movie Moneyball, Billy Beane’s smart take on baseball analytics helped his team, the Oakland A’s, beat much richer franchises. He challenged common assumptions and tested alternative options. This approach became a field of study called sabermetrics - the empirical analysis of baseball.

  • To Spur Change, CMOs Need More Managerial Discretion

    Leading Edge   May 19, 2022  

    CMOs cite a lack authority when their companies enter foreign markets, and they feel frustrated by the experience, according to a recent study. But chief marketers can play an instrumental role for brands that are expanding their global footprint — if senior management has the will to provide more managerial discretion.

  • Using Data Clean Rooms to Secure Consumer Privacy Among Marketing Partners

    Pulse   May 19, 2022  

    With the (slow) erasure of the third-party tracking cookie, zero, first, and second-party consumer data has emerged as one of the main ways to collect consumer information. But with this large stock of private customer data, marketers now need a secure way to share that data with their partners, while simultaneously maintaining their users’ privacy.

  • 10 D2C Marketing Strategies to Dazzle Consumers Right Where They Are

    Leading Edge   May 18, 2022  

    As technology makes it easier for today’s consumers to discover new products, the prospects you’re seeking to attract are more distracted than ever before. The key to capturing their attention? Meet them where they are with enticing offers that compel them to engage with your D2C brand.

  • 3 Ways to Enter the Future of Digital Marketing & Interactivity

    Leading Edge   May 18, 2022  

    Over the past decade, we’ve seen advertising and marketing trends evolve at a frequent and fast pace. Now that tech and commerce have become inexorably intertwined, brands must be able to swiftly adapt their strategies to meet the evolving needs of the modern consumer.

  • The Role of Digital Out-of-Home Advertising in the Endemic Era

    Leading Edge   May 18, 2022  

    Out of home (OOH) advertising has been around for centuries in its simplest forms, from the early days of the printing press to the advent of billboards in the 1800s. It’s remained a viable form of media for so many years because it has continuously adapted to changing trends, new ad formats, and emerging technologies.

  • Why More Marketing Teams Are Turning to Audio Streaming to Boost ROI

    Leading Edge   May 18, 2022  

    As consumer behaviors continue to evolve in the wake of the pandemic, brands and businesses must remain responsive to rapidly changing trends. Omnichannel marketing has become essential to achieve adequate reach, and more and more channels — from apps and social media to the burgeoning metaverse — are vying for audience’s attention.

  • A Roadmap to Hypergrowth: ANA’s Recommended Action Plan

    Leading Edge   May 17, 2022  

    Excerpted from the ANA Future of Marketing Report, this four-step action plan was designed to empower marketers to drive business growth regardless of their current situation and future orientation.

  • 'What They Said' at the 2022 ANA Content Marketing Conference

    Leading Edge   May 13, 2022  

    ANA just concluded our 2022 Content Marketing Conference, our first ever, presented by Audacy. The following provides great quotes and insights from some of the conference speakers (in order of appearance).
