Industry Insights
A Q&A with Mint Mobile SVP Andrew Fried
Pulse March 22, 2023Andrew Fried, SVP of Mint Mobile, is presenting a session entitled “Mint Mobile: Stretching the Limits of Media for Hypergrowth” at the ANA 2023 Brand Masters Conference April 26-28 in Bonita Springs, Fla. ANA’s Mike Kaufman, SVP of brand and media, recently interviewed him for a pre-conference discussion.
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How to Make Retail Brand Campaigns Work Harder in a Tight Market
Leading Edge March 22, 2023According to Harvard Business Review, and a lot of anecdotal evidence that we can all point to, companies cut marketing budgets in a recession. Not only that, retail brand budgets can be the first to get slashed as they are the hardest to connect to sales numbers. For the brand budgets that are left, advertisers worry how they can drive any meaningful value if they can’t get the reach or impact that they might feel they need.
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How Uber Is Working with UNITED24 to Support Ukraine
Leading Edge March 21, 2023On the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Uber partnered with UNITED24, President Zelenskyy’s global donations platform, to launch a new cartop advertising campaign to raise funds to send life-saving ambulances to Ukraine.
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Everyone’s Obsessed with AI… But Don’t Forget the Humans
Leading Edge March 20, 2023AI is taking over the internet, and what feels like the world lately. While generative AI tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E continue to grasp consumers’ attention, AI has been used for many business applications in digital media and marketing. With 83 percent of companies claiming that AI is a top priority in their business plans, business leaders must not forget the most important part to integrating training and enhancing the output of AI tools: the human element. If business leaders fail to recognize its significance, they run the risk of losing consumer interest.
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Generate Revenue with These Five B2B Marketing Principles
Leading Edge March 17, 2023No matter how pretty your analytics are, if marketing does not contribute to an organization’s bottom line, leadership will never fully recognize the value it provides. At the end of the day, it does not matter if your marketing dashboard is in the green if the business is in the red.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Marketing Ethics
Ethics Issue Alerts March 16, 2023With the advent of AI and synthetic media across the marketing ecosystem, ethics may not always be factored in and may instead become an afterthought. This can lead to risk for brands.
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How the Future of Identity Will Transform the Competitive Landscape
Leading Edge March 15, 2023The identity landscape is in a dramatic state of upheaval right now, and today’s changes have massive implications for the reality that advertisers and publishers will be operating within the next one to three years. Suffice to say, things are going to look different.
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In the Race to Standardize TV Measurement, Data Is the Only Safe Harbor
Leading Edge March 14, 2023The advertising industry is under a microscope. With the economic uncertainty facing the industry, every ad dollar counts. Marketers are facing the challenge of having to prove that each dollar spent is getting a return and that campaigns are performing to their maximum potential.
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Successful Marketing Spend Management: It Takes a Village
Leading Edge March 14, 2023More than one hundred years have passed since Mr. Wanamaker shared this perspective on his firm’s advertising investment and his words are as true today as they were when he uttered them in 1919. One could rightly argue that the accelerating rate of change, the dizzying array of message delivery choices, advances in technology, the growth in ad fraud, and an increase in regulatory oversight have only further complicated the challenge of optimizing marketing and advertising spend.
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A Q&A with The Fresh Market CMO Kevin Miller
Pulse March 13, 2023Kevin Miller, Chief Marketing Officer, The Fresh Market, is presenting a session entitled “The Fresh Market Turnaround Story – The Power of Love” at the ANA 2023 Brand Masters Conference April 26-28 in Bonita Springs, Fla. ANA’s Mike Kaufman, Senior Vice-President, Brand & Media, recently interviewed him for a pre-conference discussion.
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When It Comes to Account-Based Experiences, Branding Is Essential
Leading Edge March 13, 2023According to Bombora Company Surge, during the last 90 days, interest in ABX (Account-Based Experiences) increased 53 percent while interest in ABM (Account-Based Marketing) decreased by 55 percent.
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Big Tech’s Riddled Relationship with Publishers
Leading Edge March 10, 2023The power of Big Tech’s influence skyrocketed to astronomical heights in recent years, with more than 50 percent of digital ad spend filtering through Meta and Google alone, as reported by Harvard Business Review. Despite those numbers, there’s a narrative circulating the publishing industry that’s long been overplayed, and that is: Publishers are losing their power and need to “fight back.” With the question too often being: How can they do that?
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Creative Brands Can Find Scale on Black-Owned Content
Leading Edge March 9, 2023Madison Avenue commitments to Black-owned media are continuing strong in 2023. But scale is the biggest challenge advertisers are up against. There are several changes buyers can make to beat the scale problem, reach Black and multicultural audiences, and send more ad revenue to independent multicultural publishers.
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The Anatomy of a Performance Marketing Organization
Leading Edge March 9, 2023It’s no surprise that CMOs have been under constant pressure in recent years to deliver more from existing budgets. Advances in martech and adtech, coupled with availability of larger datasets to analyze, have helped the entire marketing ecosystem; this also means that marketers must find new ways to push scale and efficiency, as general improvements are available to everyone as “best practices.”
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Understanding CTV Attribution
Leading Edge March 8, 2023Over the years, advertisers have had to rely on a combination of faith and indirect measurement to infer that their advertising on broadcast and CTV works. However, as CTV advertising has gained momentum, conversations around attribution and measurement have become front of mind to better understand how it all works and which ads drive real business outcomes.
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5 Inspiring Quotes from Marketing Leaders
Pulse March 7, 2023ANA events bring together some of the smartest and most-talented marketers in the industry to share insights and best practices that help ANA members get the most out of their own marketing efforts.
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6 Things Marketers Can Do to Boost Effectiveness
Leading Edge March 7, 2023Discussions about improving marketing effectiveness can often focus on the different measurement approaches and advanced analytics tools that marketers should employ.
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3 Drivers of the Brand Purpose Movement
Pulse March 6, 2023Guests of the ANA’s Beyond Profit podcast offer an array of insights that illuminate the purpose movement, including its origins and the demands it places on companies. For instance, recent guests have identified three main drivers inducing organizations to embrace brand purpose.
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The Top 5 Reasons for Using Diverse-Owned Media Outlets
Leading Edge March 6, 2023In today's increasingly complex business environment, brands are facing market conditions that are profoundly different from generations past. Consumers have more choices than ever, are more brand savvy and are socially invested in the brands they use.
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Marketers Who Elevate Women and Assist Their Causes
Pulse March 2, 2023March is Women’s History Month, a period that celebrates the strengths and achievements of women and strives to advance the causes most important to them. In keeping with this important theme of the month, consider the following case studies from the ANA’s portfolio of award programs. The following examples demonstrate the marketing community’s commitment to elevating women’s issues and aiding their causes.