Industry Insights
Commerce Marketing Overview
Leading Edge December 19, 2019Learn more about commerce marketing, one of the six pillars of Brand Activation.
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Is 2020 Going to Be the Start of a New Hiring Trend?
Leading Edge December 17, 2019According to The Creative Group’s latest State of Creative Hiring data, 67 percent of advertising and marketing managers anticipate expanding their team in the first half of 2020.
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Social First: How Brands Can Optimize Their Performance Online
Leading Edge December 10, 2019Using analysis from more than 100 campaigns over the course of three years, experts from Fullscreen take a deep diver into the characteristics that are integral to making a social media campaign successful, including video length, link inclusion, and day considerations.
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The 2020 Olympics Are a Huge Moment for Women — Here’s Why
Leading Edge December 5, 2019Several companies and organizations that attended #SeeHer In Sports in December spoke about how to change this in time for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo — and why everyone should be concerned with the accurate portrayal of women and girls in advertisements.
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It’s Time to Give Thanks
Leading Edge November 26, 2019Giving thanks, showing gratitude, and helping people aren’t always things you think of when you think about marketing campaigns.
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How to Make Measurement Work: Think Success Planning
Leading Edge November 12, 2019While 95 percent of marketers agree that KPIs must be tied to business goals to truly matter, the act of actually doing so remains a challenge. In this presentation, Mower provides some insight on how marketers can use success planning to more easily link KPIs to business goals.
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2020 Marketing Job Trends and Salaries
Leading Edge November 5, 2019Did you know that nearly half of professionals surveyed by Robert Half, parent company of The Creative Group, said they feel underpaid?
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Common Benefits, Perks, and Incentives
Leading Edge November 5, 2019Learn more about the most common benefits, perks, and incentives offered by employers, so you can stay competitive.
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Digital Talent Is in Demand for 2020
Leading Edge November 5, 2019Many agencies and in-house creative departments need to build teams with expertise in areas like analytics, artificial intelligence, automation, content strategy, demand generation, machine learning, social media, and voice search.
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Expert Advice on Salary Transparency and Negotiations
Leading Edge October 31, 2019Diane Domeyer, executive director of The Creative Group, shared insights and advice on how companies can foster a transparent and healthy work environment when it comes to salary transparency and negotiations. The Creative Group just released its 2020 Salary Guide, revealing current hiring trends and wants.
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Seasonal Marketing 101: Halloween Edition
Leading Edge October 1, 2019Every year, trick-or-treaters in the U.S. go door-to-door to collect a variety of candy as part of a family-fun tradition. For many food and beverage brands, this holiday is a critical time to boost sales and brand awareness, and can even be one of the most important times of the year to capturing consumer and media attention across the country.
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Closing the Gender Gap Is Good for Business
Leading Edge August 27, 2019Forty percent of women do not identify “at all” with the women they see in advertising.
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25th Anniversary of Digital Advertising
Leading Edge July 19, 2019From the first banner ad in 1994 through the age of content and multichannel media, Adobe provides an in-depth look at digital advertising through its first 25 years of existence in this presentation.
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Who Is Today's B2B Marketer?
Leading Edge July 17, 2019Like all aspects of marketing, the digital age has completely changed what business marketing means. In the research outlined in the presentation, B2B International uses testimony from modern B2B marketers to outline the who, what, and why of 21st century business marketing.
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A Playbook for Discovering Brand Purpose
Leading Edge July 11, 2019Establishing and activating brand purpose is a significant industry challenge. A new playbook from the ANA Center for Brand Purpose provides guidance for uncovering the “why” of a business.
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How Promoting Female Athletes Will Equalize the Game
Leading Edge July 8, 2019Women are actually the fastest growing segment of gamers (and 55 percent of League of Legends fans are women, according to MasterCard) — illustrating the opportunity in this space to empower and segment women, especially as gaming is also a gateway to sports and tech.
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Why We Need to Champion Women in Sports
Leading Edge July 5, 2019Forty-eight percent of the overall U.S. generational composition is made up by millennials and gen Z. By 2020, more than 50 percent of teens will be multicultural. By 2050, Caucasians will comprise less than 50 percent of the population.
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How Your Brand Can Really Promote Women
Leading Edge July 2, 2019Only 1 percent of media spend is allocated for female sports, despite 84 percent of sports fans being interested in women’s sports.
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How Your Brand Can Really Promote Women
Leading Edge June 25, 2019When was the last time you remember a women’s team receiving just as much attention as the men’s? Probably never.
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Why We Need to Champion Women in Sports
Leading Edge June 18, 2019The importance of celebrating and advocating women and women in sports is paramount to gender equality — but also to showing girls they are strong and can do anything boys can do.