Event Recaps
From Giving to Givebacks: Keep Donors Coming Back for More
Event Recaps February 14, 2019Leaders from Anne Lewis Strategies and partners at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation unpacked the whys and hows of developing and executing a digital strategy that keeps your supporters clicking, opening, liking, sharing, and coming back for more.
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From Saturation to Success: Acquisition Breakthroughs!
Event Recaps February 14, 2019Hear from non profits who opened up new markets and improved their prospecting with new acquisition creative.
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Hot Creative Ideas to Heat up Your Fundraising Results
Event Recaps February 14, 2019Leaders in nonprofit marketing shared creative ideas to spark inspiration.
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Implementing Long-Term Growth Plans at Nonprofits
Event Recaps February 14, 2019Committing to long-term growth plans can be challenging, but two nonprofits shared how and why they’ve committed to staying the course.
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Kiss My Ask! Testing Unconventional Ask Methodologies
Event Recaps February 14, 2019This session provided nonprofits with a new arsenal of ask strategies to test and to shake up your current fundraising programs.
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Know Me! Segmentation Made to Talk to Me Like We're Besties
Event Recaps February 14, 2019Explore different donor behavior, demographics, and lifestyle selects bundled into eleven donor personas that are excited to hear from you in a way that shows you know them and that you want to get to know them even better.
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Mapping the Donor Journey
Event Recaps February 14, 2019Brian Crimmins, Global Managing Partner of ONE HUNDRED, and Dave Strauss, Director of Global Membership of The Nature Conservancy, discussed how an organization can more effectively and more efficiently maximize the donor journey through the integration of branding, marketing, and fundraising.
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Media Mix Modeling and Measurement at Altice USA
Event Recaps February 14, 2019To make smarter decisions regarding media placement and budgetary allocations, Altice USA used multi-touch attribution (MTA) and media mix modeling (MMM).
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Mid-Level: Modeling, Messaging, and Magic — Oh My!
Event Recaps February 14, 2019Experienced leaders of midlevel programs shared the critical success factors that built their programs and discussed what new innovations and tests they are embarking on now.
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No Kids, No Dogs: How to Create Emotional Fundraising
Event Recaps February 14, 2019Get inspired by examples from health, environmental, cultural, and other "non-sexy" orgs that have tested and broken through with great creative in their emails and ads.
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Novo Nordisk Reorganizes Its Supplier Ecosystems
Event Recaps February 14, 2019Novo Nordisk’s marketing procurement team reorganized the supplier ecosystem to better suit the needs of the brand.
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Opening Keynote: Humans Not Donors
Event Recaps February 14, 2019Douglas Van Praet explored the most brilliant and revolutionary concepts from cognitive science and applied them to how we market, advertise, and raise funds in the modern digital age.
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Psssst…. Direct Response Teams: It’s Time You Added Planned Giving Lead Generator to Your Resume
Event Recaps February 14, 2019Learn how to collaborate with your Planned Giving team to create a subtle and seamless path to a legacy gift and become the hero of your development department.
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Ronald McDonald House New York Reinvents its Share-A-Night Campaign
Event Recaps February 14, 2019Over three years, Ronald McDonald House New York developed its Share-A-Night event into a donation-generating campaign.
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The Art and Science of High-Touch, Mid-Level Giving
Event Recaps February 14, 2019Planned Parenthood showed how they use industry resources such as database scores, donor attributes, and segmentation to isolate patterns of giving that indicate donor loyalty and financial strength.
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Trending and Messaging for All Generations
Event Recaps February 14, 2019Steve Kehrli from PETA and Disabled American Veterans explored trending among generations and what compels them to give, volunteer, and advocate.
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Advice for Navigating Careers in the Nonprofit and Other Sectors
Event Recaps February 13, 2019Leaders in the nonprofit sector shared advice for thoughtfully advancing one’s career.
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How Charities and Agencies Can Better Collaborate: Four Tips
Event Recaps February 13, 2019The nonprofit organization Cuso International and its agency shared insights on how to improve client/agency relationships.
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National Grid: Creating and Launching a Venture Capital Brand in Silicon Valley, Within a Global Utility
Event Recaps February 13, 2019National Grid plc (LSE: NG; NYSE: NGG) is one of the largest global energy and utility companies in the world. Despite being well-known in the U.K. and northeast U.S., it had not established itself as a venture capital (VC) firm and player. You will learn why and how National Grid boldly launched its $250 million VC and innovation fund — National Grid Partners, its portfolio companies, and how telling a focused and differentiating story through marketing and PR has already moved the needle.
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Personal and Organizational Advice for Nonprofit Professionals
Event Recaps February 13, 2019Panelists shared recommendations for enhancing individual careers and organizational cultures.