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Industry Insights

  • Demystifying 3 Questions About Data Clean Rooms

    Leading Edge   May 9, 2022  

    Data clean rooms are the new kids in school. They have the cool backpack, are attracting attention, and incumbents are starting to question whether their appeal has staying power.

  • The Current Consent Model Is Broken — Let’s Give Consumers Something Better

    Leading Edge   May 6, 2022  

    They’re the latest scourge of the internet. No, we’re not talking about meme stonks, crypto bros, or fake news troll farms. We’re talking about the show-stopping, screen-blocking, consumer-hostile data privacy consent messages that are everywhere.

  • 'What They Said' at the ANA Advertising Financial Management Conference

    Leading Edge   May 5, 2022  

    ANA just wrapped up our Advertising Financial Management Conference, our annual event for client-side procurement, agency finance, and other interested parties. The following provides great quotes and insights from some of the conference speakers (in order of appearance).

  • 5 Marketing Leaders on the Future of Marketing

    Pulse   May 5, 2022  

    ANA events bring together some of the smartest and most-talented marketers in the industry to share insights and best practices that help ANA members get the most out of their own marketing efforts.

  • 3 Steps Toward a Powerful Web3 Marketing Strategy

    Leading Edge   May 4, 2022  

    The arrival of Web3 promises to radically change how marketers reach, identify, and build relationships with consumers. While most marketers anticipate that the metaverse, cryptocurrency, NFTs, and related technologies will become key parts of marketing, understanding where to begin to craft a Web3 marketing strategy at this early stage can overwhelm even the most advanced technologists.

  • 6 Big Takeaways from ANA’s First Content Marketing Conference

    Leading Edge   May 4, 2022  

    The Association for National Advertisers (ANA) hosted their first-ever national content marketing conference on April 27-29, 2022. Several members of the Knotch team attended, including David Brown, Knotch’s Head of Strategy.

  • Email's Essential Role in Successful Marketing

    Leading Edge   May 4, 2022  

    Trovon C. Williams, Senior Vice President Marketing & Communications for the NAACP, is giving a keynote address entitled "Delivering Results Through Diversity" at the 2022 ANA Email Evolution Conference May 16–18, in Scottsdale, AZ. ANA's Director of Communications John Wolfe recently interviewed him for a pre-conference discussion.

  • How Your Brand Can Leverage Automation

    Leading Edge   April 29, 2022  

    Creative automation unlocks scale and flexibility for brands that need a variety of different creative variations — or need to easily change different elements within creative assets. A fashion retailer could have thousands of products that they want to show to different audiences. Travel companies need to update destinations and promotions across various locations.

  • 'What They Said' at the 2022 ANA Brand Masters Conference

    Leading Edge   April 25, 2022  

    ANA just concluded our 2022 Brand Masters Conference, presented by Twitter. The following provides great quotes and insights from some of the conference speakers (in order of appearance).

  • Google Topics API Is a Step in the Right Direction for Privacy, But Still Lacks Granularity

    Leading Edge   April 25, 2022  

    As 2022 continues to fly by, third-party cookies rapidly approach their demise. There are many unanswered questions about the logistics of Google Topics API, but admittedly, Topics is a privacy-safe step forward. Agencies that drag their feet to find a new solution are only hindering their brand clients’ success.

  • The Secret to Successful Internal Initiatives? Treat Them Like Marketing Campaigns

    Leading Edge   April 25, 2022  

    These days, the need for business leaders to break down silos doesn’t just apply to traditional and digital marketing departments or cross-channel attribution initiatives. Rather, today’s brands need to be fundamentally rethinking how they define, position and message against their purpose — both externally and internally.

  • Defining Measurable Units Can Solve the CTV Identity Crisis

    Leading Edge   April 15, 2022  

    This year, the TV industry has an opportunity to unlock the identity crisis, writing a new story based on data transparency and proving value for both the buy and sell sides.

  • Why B2B Brands Need to Embrace Buyer Intent

    Leading Edge   April 14, 2022  

    Throughout my 25 years of working in sales and marketing, I’ve seen significant growth in new technologies to help sellers and marketers do their jobs more effectively. Digital engagement tools are why the lines between field sales and inside sales have been blurring over the last several years — a development that has been only heightened by post-pandemic realities. And those tools are why the lines continue to be blurred between B2B and B2C marketing.

  • Personalization Ideas for Promotion-Addicted DTC Retailers

    Leading Edge   April 13, 2022  

    New research from Sailthru and Coresight Research indicates that retailers, specifically DTC brands, lean on targeted promotions 20 percent more than other retailers. With wild success using promotion-driven display advertising on sites like Instagram, it’s no surprise that DTC marketers favor the same concept on channels like email and SMS.

  • Are You Paying Competitive Rates for Agency Studio Services?

    Leading Edge   April 12, 2022  

    Over the last several years, many agencies have expanded their resource offering as the demand for content development, repurposing and sizing has increased in the multi-billion-dollar production sector. Today, agency capabilities include traditional studio services, broadcast production, video, and digital editing. No one can argue the convenience of being able to tap an agency partner to assist in this important area.

  • Eight Reasons Why Brand Purpose Fails

    Pulse   April 12, 2022  

    Organizations hoping to pursue a brand purpose that focuses on more than mere lucre frequently have the best of intentions; however, those good intentions don’t prevent many efforts at brand purpose from failing. Guests on the ANA Center for Brand Purpose’s Beyond Profit podcast often reflect on the sources of such failure, and below are eight of the causes that they identify. Those championing brand purpose in their organizations will find the following quotes helpful in their own efforts as cautions against common pitfalls.

  • 8 Attributes of Purposeful Brands

    Leading Edge   April 11, 2022  

    It has become rather trendy to question — or even speak out against — the value of brand purpose. That mountain of studies from trusted sources about consumers preferring to support, buy from, and work for purpose-led brands? Overblown and misleading, the skeptics say. The idea that a deeply embedded purpose can drive business strategy and operations, improve organizational culture, and lead to solutions that address societal issues? Perhaps, but at what cost to the business in time and effort? The notion that purpose can spur sales, business growth, and competitive advantage? Oh, please.

  • As TV’s Ecosystem Complexity Increases, It’s OK to Demand Simplicity

    Leading Edge   April 8, 2022  

    Without a doubt, the media marketplace has fragmented, platform choice has skyrocketed, viewing hours have soared, and the capabilities that underpin today’s TV advertising ecosystem have never been more robust. And yet, advertisers’ goals and needs remain fundamentally the same. They want to build awareness among the right audiences for their brands, and they want that awareness to translate into sales.

  • 5 Marketing Leaders on Ethical Marketing

    Pulse   April 7, 2022  

    ANA events bring together some of the smartest and most-talented marketers in the industry to share insights and best practices that help ANA members get the most out of their own marketing efforts.

  • A Rose By Any Other Name: The Evolution of Brand Reputation and Accountability in the Era of Cancel Culture

    Pulse   April 6, 2022  

    No matter which side of the cancel culture debate you may fall on, the impact it has for brands hasn’t essentially changed from any other previous form of accountability companies have faced. Consumers expect brands to act, at the least consistently with the values they espouse, and studies continue to show that a brand’s reputation and trust among consumers increase when they’re doing good for society, whether that’s through sustainability initiatives or in the ways they’re helping communities.
