Marketers Lend the LGBTQ+ Community Added Visibility | Content Packages | Marketing Knowledge Center | ANA

Marketers Lend the LGBTQ+ Community Added Visibility

June is Pride Month, a period that celebrates the strengths and achievements of the LGBTQ+ community and that strives to advance the causes most important to its members. In keeping with this important theme of the month and beyond, consider the following case studies from the ANA’s portfolio of award programs. The following examples demonstrate the marketing community’s commitment to elevating the LGBTQ+ community and to making its members feel seen.

You also won't want to miss our ANA LGBTQ+ Marketing Inclusion Day from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ET on July 11. We'll be analyzing successful LGBTQ+ marketing campaigns, hearing from LGBTQ+ voices and sharing insights on how to create impactful, inclusive, and effective marketing. Learn how top brands are authentically connecting with the LGBTQ+ community in their marketing efforts and addressing the current state of LGBTQ+ marketing inclusion. Register here.

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