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Industry Insights

  • What Is Audience Segmentation?

    Leading Edge   July 6, 2023  

    A one-size-fits-all approach won’t suffice when it comes to capturing and retaining the attention of your audience. This is where audience segmentation comes into play — a powerful strategy that enables you to divide your target audience into groups, allowing for personalized and targeted marketing efforts.

  • The Brands Tackling Climate Change

    Pulse   July 5, 2023  

    Advertising and media can help us create a better world through exceptional content that sheds light on various subject matters and issues. When it comes to climate change, brands and corporations have a responsibility to change their practices and decrease harmful emissions and other production methods that are outdated and unsustainable. While ads can’t save the world, they can help raise awareness and be the catalyst for change.

  • Five Cs of Creativity: Lessons from Cannes Lions '23

    Leading Edge   June 29, 2023  

    The infectious excitement pulsating through the Croisette always revolves around the world’s most creative minds. Five drivers of creativity from the 2023 Cannes Lions Festival were Conviction, Challenge, Courage, Clout, Coalition.

  • How to Prepare for the Demise of Third-Party Cookies

    Leading Edge   June 29, 2023  

    Don’t get caught with your hand in the cookie jar. It’s time to cash in your chips and prepare for the demise of third-party cookies.

  • To Build Loyalty, Leave Customers with a Learning, Not a Hashtag

    Leading Edge   June 28, 2023  

    It’s no secret that the way to build brand loyalty is through authenticity. Consumers connect with realness — with stories that they can relate to. Consumers yearn for connection; and that connection is what fosters long-lasting relationships and loyalty to brands.

  • Workers Report High Rates of Burn Out and Worry — Here’s How to Help

    Pulse   June 28, 2023  

    We are in an era of burnout. And it makes sense: People have a lot to contend with right now, from the concerning effects of climate change, the economic downturn, political uncertainty and strife, technological changes, and the lingering shadows of COVID-19.

  • 5 Key Takeaways from Cannes

    Leading Edge   June 27, 2023  

    It has been said by many that Cannes is “the same folks you can meet with in New York, just in a fancy location.” This year that wasn’t quite true. While we often see major partners, prospects and frenemies sipping rosé in pastel and linen outfits, this year was more about giving the entire industry an opportunity to learn about the shared and unique challenges across markets and disciplines while taking action to solve them.

  • Creating Agency KPIs

    Leading Edge   June 27, 2023  

    We all have implemented KPIs to measure progress against our work. Agency KPIs are essential for any organization to measure its progress against predetermined agency objectives and priorities. KPIs let advertisers focus on what matters most, align relevant resources toward achieving those goals, identify areas that need improvement, and take corrective action.

  • Try Creators to Optimize Influencer Marketing

    Leading Edge   June 26, 2023  

    In the last few years, influencer marketing has been one of the fastest-growing trends in digital marketing. As part of marketing’s “pivot to video,” influencer marketing helped advertisers like Dunkin’ and McDonald’s achieve marketing success.

  • If Managing Your Vendor’s Risk Isn’t a Top Priority, It Should Be

    Leading Edge   June 23, 2023  

    Gordon Moore, the co-founder of Intel, died this year. He was 94. In 1965, he predicted that the number of transistors that could be placed on a silicon chip would double at regular intervals for the foreseeable future, thus increasing the data-processing power of computers exponentially. He predicted computers would be more expensive to build but cheaper to buy for consumers since so many would be sold.

  • Why a Great TV Viewer Experience Is About More Than Creative

    Leading Edge   June 23, 2023  

    During Cannes Lions this week, advertisers and programmers from across the globe will be coming together to discuss the power of creativity. Great TV creative, as we know, connects audiences to brands and helps spread messages in memorable and effective ways.

  • In B2B, Being Good Is Good for Business

    Leading Edge   June 22, 2023  

    The B2B buying process is dynamic and decision makers’ needs shift from year to year. The last few years were perhaps more impactful than most, with the pandemic and social justice movements changing the way buyers explore and choose suppliers.

  • Marketing Prompts for Generative AI

    Pulse   June 22, 2023  

    This issue of Marketing Futures’ Pulse collects resources examining best practices for creating marketing prompts for use with generative AI.

  • We Need to Acknowledge That “Outcomes” in CTV Depend on the Brand

    Leading Edge   June 22, 2023  

    The measurement challenges inherent in the CTV space have served as industry conversation fodder for years now. Significant time is spent discussing the complexity of the landscape and what it will take to truly connect the dots, but very few of the solutions that are brought forth go beyond mere platitudes.

  • Top Takeaways from This Year’s Upfronts: Welcome to the New Frontier

    Leading Edge   June 21, 2023  

    This was an Upfronts season like no other — amid scandals, strikes and shakeups, advertisers and publishers certainly had a lot to contend with heading into this year’s negotiations. Here are my top takeaways from this year’s wild ride, and what it all means for advertisers and publishers going forward.

  • When It Comes To Brand Suitability, Not All Walled Gardens Are Created Equal

    Leading Edge   June 21, 2023  

    Today’s open web largely functions the way it has for 20 years. Meanwhile, modern walled gardens didn’t exist 20 years ago. As with humans, platform youth is the launch pad for sharp, quick, often divergent growth. The walled garden landscape is always evolving, with each of them offering a discrete experience.

  • Conquering Cannes: A Marketer’s Survival Guide

    Leading Edge   June 14, 2023  

    Brook Terran provides tips and tricks to get the most out of your time at The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.

  • Seven Best Practices for Promoting Your Brand Overseas

    Leading Edge   June 14, 2023  

    Pamela Ghosal, Global Head of Brand and Communications at Phrase, provided some best practices for promoting your product in foreign markets, with localization as your guiding light.

  • Unlocking Growth: Three Under-the-Radar B2B Marketing Trends for 2023

    Leading Edge   June 14, 2023  

    The old way of casting a wide net for leads to drive revenue doesn’t work anymore. The "one-size-fits-all" marketing era? Gone. It's time to refresh the game plan.

  • What Is a Retail Media Network?

    Leading Edge   June 13, 2023  

    Retail media is becoming one of the fastest growing channels available today, representing the next evolution of advertising. So, why is this trend so hot now? First, the pandemic completely altered the way consumers engage and interact with brands. As consumers increased the amount of time they spent shopping online, brands followed, buying retailers’ digital space to get closer to these in-market audiences at the point of sale.
