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Industry Insights

  • Nonprofit Federation Member Spotlight Series: CARE

    Pulse   March 25, 2024  

    ANA member CARE works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice. CARE’s CMO Monica Rowe spent nearly 20 years working for some of the world’s most influential fashion and beauty brands before transitioning to the for-purpose space. Alicia Osgood, director of communications for the ANA Nonprofit Federation, spoke with Monica about marketing humanity and how CARE overcomes the economic storms by innovating, embracing new technologies, and maximizing partnerships.

  • 4 Marketing Experts on Creativity & Tech

    Pulse   March 22, 2024  

    ANA events bring together some of the smartest and most-talented marketers in the industry to share insights and best practices that help ANA members get the most out of their own marketing efforts.

  • Are You Too Late to Act on the Identity Evolution?

    Leading Edge   March 21, 2024  

    Google has finally restricted cookie support for one percent of all Chrome users. Now that the slow decline of cookies is finally upon us, brands and agencies are asking, “Is it too late to prepare new identity strategies and solutions?” Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ensure your company isn’t playing catch up.

  • How to Reach High-Intent Vacationers

    Leading Edge   March 20, 2024  

    Utilizing audience segmentation is critical for travel marketers to understand the external factors that are influencing their travel plans, and break down massive audiences into their most likely vacationers.

  • Balancing Act: Navigating Personalization and Privacy in Modern Marketing

    Leading Edge   March 19, 2024  

    Marketers face a precarious tightrope act as they attempt to balance personalization and privacy. The stakes are high, with a single misstep threatening to send a brand spiraling downward. Yet, as circus performers know, it’s possible! Before we explore methods to strike the required balance, let’s address why “taking the walk” is worth it.

  • Why Businesses Should Be Thinking About Measurement First

    Leading Edge   March 18, 2024  

    Not spending the time to set up an effective, resilient measurement strategy that’s focused on the right things will hurt businesses who are relying on the general ease with which they get information today. Here are three key steps to making sure businesses are set up as they prepare for this pivotal year.

  • Programmatic Transparency: The $22 Billion Opportunity

    Leading Edge   March 15, 2024  

    By now, you are undoubtedly familiar with at least the key recommendations from the ANA's ongoing Programmatic Media Supply Chain Transparency Study. In this blog series, I’ll be covering the top 10 issues the study has revealed and precisely how brands can go about tackling them in relatively straightforward ways.

  • How Marketing Agencies Can Ensure "Zoom Fidelity" with Media

    Leading Edge   March 14, 2024  

    If you’re doing media and marketing right, the strategies and tactics in your plan should all work together to drive a business outcome. But how many times have you looked at a media plan where the strategies and tactics look like they were done by completely separate teams and the two don’t exactly line up?

  • Key Takeaways from SeeHer’s Latest Report on Gender Equality

    Pulse   March 14, 2024  

    The ongoing, collective journey toward achieving gender equality is, and will always be, a community-led effort. SeeHer’s latest report, Global Perceptions of Progress on Gender Equality, illustrates that gender inequality is still a persistent and global issue; it takes all institutions, including marketing, to change perceptions, fight for equal rights, and pave the way forward for all.

  • How to Weed Out Made-For-Advertising (MFA) Inventory

    Leading Edge   March 13, 2024  

    Yet another Adalytics report is shaking up the digital marketing community this week. The report highlights that, contrary to previous assurances by advertising giants, the scale of impressions driven by made-for-advertising (MFA) sites remains alarmingly large.

  • Unleashing Strategic Potential for Mid-Level Agencies

    Leading Edge   March 13, 2024  

    One of the key challenges faced by mid-level agencies is the high-cost threshold to run brand awareness or brand lift studies that often prevent smaller players from participating competitively. Coupled with the lack of respondents, agencies are being compelled to cut their budgets. But the game is far from over. To overcome these hurdles, agencies need to cultivate a keen edge, leaning on innovation.

  • Brand Purpose and Sustainability

    Pulse   March 12, 2024  

    As the effects of climate change threaten society in more and more ways, a growing number of companies are working to integrate sustainability initiatives into their brand purposes. Efforts to do so, however, can often be beset with questions and uncertainty. To bring added clarity to the matter, consider three tips shared by guests on the ANA Center for Brand Purpose’s Beyond Profit podcast.

  • How Advertisers Are Flubbing Contextual Discovery

    Leading Edge   March 12, 2024  

    As advertisers scramble to find addressability signals that will remain amid cookie deprecation, many are turning to contextual data.

  • Katie Williams, Chief Marketing & PR Officer at Haleon, Talks Purpose

    Pulse   March 12, 2024  

    Katie Williams, chief marketing and PR officer at Haleon U.S., will discuss the process of developing purpose while accelerating growth, as well as share learnings at the upcoming ANA Brand Masters Conference on April 15 to 17.

  • We Need to Level Up If We Want to Hit Sustainability Targets

    Leading Edge   March 11, 2024  

    Sustainable media is not a new topic. The numbers around advertising emissions have long been discussed at industry events and in the press. To reach sustainability targets in the realm of media, it is crucial to bridge the gap between discussions on sustainable practices and their effective implementation. While numerous marketing technology solutions promise emission reduction, there seems to be disparity in how agencies and clients approach the issue.

  • Creating Campaigns Consumers Love: America’s Favorite Ads of 2023

    Leading Edge   March 8, 2024  

    Every year, advertisers bring new creative to all platforms: TV, digital, print, audio and out of home. There are larger-than-life Super Bowl commercials that bring comedy, action, celebrities, cultural references, and lovable characters to a couple hundred million eyeballs. There are holiday ads that celebrate the magic of the festive season and the joy of togetherness. And there are major moments for brand presence, like March Madness, Fourth of July, Halloween, Black Friday, and more.

  • Inspiring Inclusion: Women in Advertising Mark International Women’s Day

    Leading Edge   March 8, 2024  

    As we mark yet another IWD where gender parity remains a goal for the future rather than a reality of the present, here’s what prominent female leaders across the tech landscape have to say about their experiences as women in advertising and what still needs to be done to achieve true equality.

  • For Diversity in Advertising to Stick, It Must Be Considered in More Places

    Leading Edge   March 7, 2024  

    The future is about finding new and alternative ways to maximize the value and impact of existing data to greater effect. Media planners themselves benefit from understanding how they differ from the audiences they may be targeting.

  • The Best Way to Fight CTV Fraud: Ditch View Through Measurement

    Leading Edge   March 6, 2024  

    Fraud has long plagued the digital advertising landscape, siphoning off vast sums of money. As we delve deeper into the realm of connected tv (CTV), we see that it's not impervious to the cunning tactics of fraudsters. With advertisers increasingly gravitating towards streaming platforms, opportunistic fraudsters have followed.

  • Brand Purpose as Competitive Advantage

    Pulse   March 5, 2024  

    More and more companies are embracing brand purpose; however, many continue to do so simply because “it’s the right thing to do.” While true, this position ignores the competitive advantage that the adoption of a brand purpose can afford an organization. To illuminate this matter, guests of the ANA Center for Brand Purpose’s Beyond Profit podcast shared three observations on the benefits of purpose that go beyond altruism.
