The ‘Stackie Awards’ - Who has the Best MarTech Stack and Why? | Webinars | Events & Webinars | ANA

The ‘Stackie Awards’ - Who has the Best MarTech Stack and Why?

This event is over.

Join us as Scott Brinker, Editor of shares the 2024 submissions to the vaunted Stackie Awards and provides his insights on why the five winners were selected. The Stackies winners are those who best communicate a clear concept about how their stack is organized and how it fits into their marketing operations, thus contributing the most to the MarTech Community.

This year’s Stackies is expected to feature how GenAI is being used in the stack for content creation, data analysis, customer service, streamlined workflows, and idea generation. Brinker may also reveal how enterprises are applying ‘aggregation theory’ in their stacks by unifying data, workflows, user experiences, and governance across the tech stack. Those who feature these real-world use cases in their Stackies are sure to be at the top of the rankings.

Register today and join us on July 17th to gain valuable insights that you can apply to your own martech stack designs.


Start: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 1:00pm

End: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 1:30pm



Scott Brinker
VP Platform Ecosystem

Scott Brinker is the VP of platform ecosystem at HubSpot, where he helps grow and nurture the company's technology partners community. He's also been analyzing marketing technology and its impact on marketing organizations for nearly two decades as editor of the Chief Martec blog, wrote Hacking Marketing, and co-authored The New Automation Mindset.Mr. Brinker holds degrees in computer science from Columbia University and Harvard University, and an M.B.A. from MIT.