Creating Future-Proof Video Assets for a Fragmented Video Landscape | Webinars | Events & Webinars | ANA

Creating Future-Proof Video Assets for a Fragmented Video Landscape

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The fragmentation of video consumption across both devices and various channels such as social, open web, linear, and OTT -- compounded by the ability to personalize creative by audience -- has left creative teams unsure of how to best produce video assets with the flexibility required to fulfill today's media plans. In this session, Flashtalking will share how to meet these production challenges with creative best practices when planning, shooting, and editing cross-channel video ads.

This session will cover:

  • Compiling a Statement of Work that properly aligns creative and media teams up front
  • Planning and shooting future-proof video assets flexible enough for multiple formats and channels
  • Streamlining post-production workflows with ad tech partners

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Start: Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 1:00pm

End: Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 2:00pm



John Nardone, CEO, Flashtalking
Dominic Satur, VP, Business Development - EMEA, Flashtalking
John Feltham, Director, Creative Services - EMEA, Flashtalking