Michael Fanuele
Assembly Media
Stop Making Sense: The Art of Inspiring Leadership in Trying Times
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In times of crisis, we're taught to think clearly and act logically; and yet, as neuroscience has taught us, that's not how we're wired. No, we humans are emotional creatures. And believe it or not, this is good news, for emotion is the fuel for the most powerful force in the world: inspiration.
In this webinar, Michael Fanuele, one of the world's most successful marketing strategists, will share insights from his recent best-selling book on how brands and leaders can rally the very best from people. With lessons from Lincoln to The Most Interesting Man, and Arby's to Bono, Michael will share "The 6 Skills of Inspiration" that can make any of us (and our brands) the most powerful muses, capable of moving markets and masses, especially during these strange and trying times.
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Start: Friday, June 12, 2020 at 1:00pm
End: Friday, June 12, 2020 at 2:00pm