Organize Your B2B Agency Ecosystem for Scale, Efficiency & Business Impact (B2B Marketing Series) | Webinars | Events & Webinars | ANA

Organize Your B2B Agency Ecosystem for Scale, Efficiency & Business Impact (B2B Marketing Series)

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As CMO’s responsible for global B2B marketing operations continue to be challenged to help drive business growth, staying on top of the ever-shifting selection of agency and marketing specialists, it is becoming harder and harder to choose the best partner. But, it doesn’t need to be – if you understand the various agency models, you can bring an informed point of view and the right choice for your organization.

Webinar attendees will receive practical guidance to help narrow in on the right type of B2B agencies to work with and come away more informed about the choices available to them.

We’ll review the current models now available to B2B marketers, with an evaluation of each one and how they best fit. These models include:

  • In-House Agencies: internal staff and capabilities 
  • Traditional Holding Company Agencies: the publicly traded agency holding companies
  • Independent Agencies: local, privately held agencies, plus the  global networks they’ve formed to serve clients
  • Management Consultants: entering some traditional agency territories

We’ll then walk through typical scenarios, and how specific agencies and marketing specialists are matched to the typology of client-side marketers – because one client needs one kind of partner, another marketer needs another kind of partner, and so on. Some examples include:

  • A client-side marketer who needs rapid response on social media may require an in-house solution. Whereas a brand owner needing long-term customer insight, may not.
  • A client-side marketer intent on transforming their business needs through a digital transformation consultant… but, hasn't yet considered what's next once the ‘transformation’ is complete?
  • A client-side marketer who wants safety and predictability, as any publicly held company may – could be best paired with a publicly quoted agency holding company with safety embedded in their DNA.

Lisa Mattes, director of corporate marketing, will share her perspective on Panduit’s global marketing organization and agency relationships for the $1+ billion physical electric and network infrastructure solutions provider. Their 3-year transformation from an in-house to a hybrid agency roster approach may help illuminate opportunities for attendees to apply the lessons learned from their experiences.

Who should attend? In addition to senior and executive level client-side marketers, client-side professionals addressing agency relations and advertising financial management.

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Start: Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at 3:00pm

End: Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at 4:00pm



Lisa Mattes
Director, Corporate Marketing

Melissa Lentz
Global CEO

Dan Nelson, Jr.
President & CEO
Nelson Schmidt Inc.