ANA The Business of Marketing Law @ Meredith Corp (Members Only Conference) | Members Only One-Day Conferences | ANA

ANA The Business of Marketing Law @ Meredith Corp (Members Only Conference)

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ANA Members Only Conference: The Business of Marketing Law, on Thursday, June 28, 2018,  will focus on the transactional skills and knowledge of the latest law necessary to effectively negotiate, draft, execute and fulfill complex legal contracts in the marketing and advertising and privacy law space, and especially in digital and social media, as well as negotiating litigation related documents.

Highly experienced legal professionals will lead sessions on a variety of important topics. Handouts will be provided or made available to registered attendees as uploaded. CLE credits will be applied for.


Thursday, June 28, 2018
8:15am Breakfast

9:00am Welcome by ANA and Host

Under the FTC Radar: Influencer Agreements and Monitoring Programs

Tips from an expert on the growing importance of good lawyering and monitoring agreements which are coming increasingly under scrutiny

Linda A. Goldstein
Partner Baker Hostetler LLP

Negotiating Media Deals & AdTech Agreements

From specialists in the field, learn the ins and outs of what needs to be in these media and ad tech deals

Monique N. Bhargava
Partner Loeb & Loeb LLP
Romy Horn
General Counsel W20 Group
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10:50am Coffee Break

Negotiating the Tricky Slopes of Agency-Client Agreements: New & Old Concerns

What are the hot issues in this field- a perspective from both sides of the table

Robert Driscoll
Partner Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Daniel Nemet-Nejat
Senior Counsel Home Box Office
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Keys to Negotiating Sports Marketing Agreements: The Perspective of Both Sides

A discussion about negotiating sponsorship, endorsement, media buying, and intellectual property agreements

Christopher Chase
Partner Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz PC
Conal Berberich
Senior Counsel NHL Enterprise, L.P.
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12:40pm Lunch & Lecture: Best Practices for your Business/Legal Team on Media Deals

Michele Ramsey
General Counsel, National Media and Marketing Groups Meredith Corporation
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Negotiating Talent-Branded Product Endorsement Deals

A drill down on celebrity issues, ownership and creative control

Po Yi
Partner Venable LLP
Debora Welch
Assistant General Counsel, NA Beauty Professional and NA Purchasing Henkel Corporation
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Data Collection and Use Agreements

Issues of growing importance in view of the critical import of data collection, use, control, privacy and data breaches

Gary Kibel
Digital Media, Technology and Privacy Partner Davis & Gilbert LLP

Best Practices in Clearing Advertisements

Practical advice to help the business communicate with a sensitivity to various risk factors

Michael Isselin
Associate Reed Smith LLP
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4:20pm Conference Adjournment

Cancellation Policy and Notes

No refunds will be granted for any cancellations or for 'no shows.' Unused registrations/applications have no monetary value and cannot be credited to future years or events. ANA will not issue refunds or credits due to failure to redeem a discount coupon during the registration process. You may transfer your registration to a colleague at no additional cost.