Data Privacy | Marketing Knowledge Center | ANA

Data Privacy

Resources to navigate the complex matrix of personal information collection and storage.

Comprehensive and sometimes conflicting privacy laws across the U.S. have made the implementation of effective data privacy policies a real challenge.

With the ANA's extensive range of content, guidelines, and events, marketers can master existing legislation and successfully navigate pending laws while still promoting brand growth.

Laquan Austion, VP of public policy for the ANA Government Relations team, outlines how the ANA is leading an effort to protect consumer rights.

“Without a preemptive national data privacy law, marketers need help to understand and comply with overlapping, and sometimes contradictory, requirements in state law.”

- Bob Liodice, ANA CEO

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Federal and State Privacy Legislation

In addition to being a founding member of Privacy for America, through our Government Relations practice the ANA engages on nearly every proposed piece of comprehensive privacy legislation in the states, seeking to ensure the data-driven marketplace can continue to thrive while also protecting consumers.

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