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Search returned: 250 document(s).

  • Reaching the Light TV Viewer

    Partner Content   September 24, 2024  

    A lot has changed since the inception of addressable TV. While consumer viewing has continued to grow more fragmented, addressable advertising has increased in scale and matured its technological capabilities to become a must-have strategy for broadly targeted and narrowly targeted brands alike.

  • How to Use Data Standards to Intelligently Optimize Campaigns

    Partner Content   September 19, 2024  

    What if the optimization brands are doing for their next campaign is based on the wrong information? With so much data currently available to advertisers, it's important that they ensure the data foundations are solid before divining insights to shape their next set of decisions.

  • The Growing Power of Shoppable CTV Advertising

    Partner Content   September 17, 2024  

    As the popularity of streaming grows, shoppable ads — TV spots that allow consumers to research or buy products directly through the ad — present a remarkable opportunity for CTV advertisers, especially with the approaching make-or-break holiday shopping season.

  • Resonating Across Cultures

    Partner Content   September 12, 2024  

    Radio, across its myriad of formats and genres, uniquely delivers content that reflects the beliefs and values of its listeners while facilitating a sense of belonging. Here's why radio can play such a critical role in reaching a diverse range of consumer segments.

  • Cross-Pollinating Marketing Success

    Partner Content   September 10, 2024  

    How can small companies think bigger? And what small business norms can be applied to enterprise-size strategies? The insights gleaned can help both sides adjust their channel approach going forward. The mix they're looking for will help a business of any size stand out more, connect with audiences on a personal level, and nurture deeper engagement.

  • The Secret to Actionable, Attention-Grabbing Campaigns

    Partner Content   August 15, 2024  

    To create eye-catching, memorable campaigns that customers will actually interact with, the savviest marketers are thinking outside the box — moving away from the digital-first playbook in favor of an omnichannel strategy that incorporates both digital and offline efforts.

  • Preparing Marketing Procurement for AI

    Partner Content   August 8, 2024  

    In the rapidly evolving landscape of marketing procurement, data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming indispensable tools. But the first step to leveraging AI in marketing procurement is understanding what AI can help accomplish and expedite — and what it cannot.

  • Using the 80/20 Rule to Drive Successful Innovation

    Partner Content   August 6, 2024  

    Marketing success lies in making innovation feel familiar while still offering something new. The ideal formula for successful innovation is to ensure that a product is 80 percent familiar and 20 percent new. So how, then, do the best product developers and marketers achieve this balance of novelty and familiarity?

  • Building a Thriving In-House Agency Environment

    Partner Content   July 16, 2024  

    Often, corporate purpose and values define what a company prioritizes, but the company's culture stems from its employees' attitudes, behaviors, and interactions. When it comes to culture, it's not about talking the talk but walking the walk.

  • How to Score Big with Youth Sports Parents

    Partner Content   July 11, 2024  

    TeamSnap data shows youth sports parents are looking for brands that are cost effective. When it comes to snack preferences and choosing the right half-time crunch or post-game pick-me-up, the parents TeamSnap surveyed say they would choose price over quality.

  • Making the Most of Live TV Advertising in a Streaming World

    Partner Content   June 27, 2024  

    As more events move to streaming and as programmatic adoption increases, there is opportunity for advertisers to make their message heard during live events.

  • Making Online and Offline Channel Integration Easier

    Partner Content   June 13, 2024  

    Direct mail boasts an ecosystem that has been humming for decades, and new technology has added valuable options for integrating direct mail seamlessly with other marketing channels.

  • Cleaning the CTV Ecosystem

    Partner Content   June 11, 2024  

    As TV approaches its fully digital future, many brands, agencies, and publishers fear the same problems that have plagued the online advertising ecosystem will now encroach on connected TV (CTV). Is there a way to ensure the sins of digital media won't impact the CTV advertising ecosystem, too?

  • The Upfront Is Dead, Long Live the Upfront

    Partner Content   June 6, 2024  

    The TV landscape has changed dramatically over the past decade. Now, so too must the TV upfronts.

  • How to Create Innovative Direct Mail Campaigns

    Partner Content   May 30, 2024  

    Tapping into imaginative, innovative direct marketing tactics can help businesses create integrated and interactive omnichannel campaigns that don't break the bank.

  • Understanding the Evolving Dynamics of Sports Fandom

    Partner Content   May 23, 2024  

    How fans cheer on their teams differs from one generation to the next. But one thing that isn't changing is fans' commitment to their teams. Brands that can tap into that loyalty may find a highly receptive consumer base.

  • If You Can Dream It, Radio Can Measure It

    Partner Content   May 7, 2024  

    Can radio in all its forms — which include podcasts, streaming audio, and over-the-air broadcasts — be measured with every KPI movement attributed back to the medium? Yes, it can. Radio can be a full-funnel solution for brands, both on its own and by amplifying the performance of other media.

  • The Fundamentals of Attention

    Partner Content   March 21, 2024  

    In a treacherous advertising climate, sustained success does not come from a stroke of luck or a viral blip for brands — it takes a meticulous blend of strategy and insight to bypass consumers' attention firewall.

  • Five Unstoppable Trends That Will Transform TV Advertising by 2030

    Partner Content   March 19, 2024  

    How AI, the deprecation of cookies, and three other emerging trends will shape the course of marketing over the next five years.

  • How Brands Can Capture Attention in 2024

    Partner Content   February 29, 2024  

    While using data to optimize ad buys for linear and digital TV grows increasingly important for marketers in 2024, so does crafting a message that wins audience attention.
