Giving Tuesday: Support a Charity and Be A Force for Good
November 30, 2020By Senny Boone

Looking back over 2020, it has been an especially challenging time for nonprofit organizations, many of whom are on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. From hospitals to food banks, our members know how much suffering continues and how much more work is needed to help our communities of need. You can help.
On December 1, the nonprofit charitable community is asking the public to give to their favorite charities in the spirit of the holiday season and to embrace common philanthropy. This day is Giving Tuesday and is meant to offer everyone a way to give to charities on one day of the year right after Thanksgiving and the consumerism of Black Friday. Will you be giving?
The ANA Nonprofit Federation is a core part of the ANA itself, representing hundreds of missions delivering to our communities — from Feeding America to the American Heart Association to the Disabled American Veterans to so many other worthy organizations. These organizations represent a common thread among members and among humanity in general — the desire to do better, to be better and to be a force for good. It is time to turn the page on the negative — and as many say, 2020 is the worst year for so many reasons. You can offer hope for the New Year by taking a moment to give to your organization — the one that you personally feel connected to and then also consider those that are in a special time of distress — the local community-run organizations. As we are all “alone together,” at home, you have time to review an organizations mission and its impact — being alone together is a time to reflect on how you can help lift up others.
The ANA Nonprofit Federation offers a holiday giving guide which can give you and others a reassurance about giving to organizations. An organization builds its impact not only on the empathy and support you provide through your donation, but on the trust and accountability that their teams are working on to make a difference. These teams include marketers and fundraisers like yourselves that have the responsibility to succeed — not for profit, but rather, “profit for good.” Why not take a moment on Giving Tuesday to take a step that will impact you for the better as a donor, impact your community and its ability to succeed in 2021 and our overall need to be humane and generous and look outwards? Our nation is the most generous in the world. This giving season let’s continue this tradition — take a minute on Giving Tuesday and you will be a part of the collective philanthropic spirit we aim for on that day!