Global CMO Growth Council Summit 2020: Action Not Ads to Launch Meaningful, Sustainable Change | Marketing Maestros | Blogs | ANA

Global CMO Growth Council Summit 2020: Action Not Ads to Launch Meaningful, Sustainable Change

October 7, 2020

As chief brand officer for P&G, Marc Pritchard controls marketing that impacts the lives of 5 billion people. As the ANA’s Executive Board Chair, he leads the Global CMO Growth Council, whose membership includes 50 chief marketers representing many of the world’s top brands, and approximately $400 billion in media investment.

Two years ago, Marc warned, “change won’t come if leaders can’t come to grips [with it] and aren’t willing to go ahead and weather the storm.”

With a stalled global economy, a world beset by pandemic, and universal racial unrest, the storms facing our world changed our marketplace’s needs forever. Marketers play a vital economic role in rebooting economic and societal growth. We foster innovation, provide essential goods and services while influencing culture, enhancing the lives of the people we serve. Chief marketers hold a privileged responsibility to accelerate broad and bold initiatives leading to lasting benefits for brands, customers, and our global society.

In the face of enormous challenges, the ANA and Cannes Lions established the Global CMO Growth Council. Since 2018, they have guided the development of operational business systems organized around the 12-point Industry Growth Agenda in Society and Sustainability, Brand Experience, Creativity and Media, Data, Technology, and Measurement Talent and Marketing Organization.

At Cannes LIONS Live last June, the Council convened, prioritizing and solidifying specific mandates necessary to collectively accelerate the economy and reinvigorate worldwide community. Since then, working teams have actively engaged in developing detailed action plans to refocus and expedite the most urgent global outcomes across the four priorities. They strategized, researched, and debated the right way forward in preparation for one moment.


This Moment

On October 19, 2020, hours of briefings, meetings, and working group sessions will culminate in chief marketers worldwide coming together as a global force.

ANA Masters Circle/YouTube

With one voice, delegates will commit to actions — not ads, directly focused on specific outcomes, with built-in accountability to track progress. They are leveraging their combined influence to launch meaningful, sustainable changes for the people they serve and the most influential brands in their lives.

Each participant will commit to specific actions to:

  • Drive more human brand experiences
  • Harness the true promise of data and technology
  • Achieve true diversity and inclusion throughout marketing’s talent pool, and
  • Leverage collective reach and voice in advertising and media to eliminate bias and promote equality and inclusion, becoming a Force for Good, and a Force for Growth

There is only this opportunity to participate in turning this moment into a global movement. We will launch new policies, practices, and strategies addressing industry-wide shortfalls in business performance in one session.

Is your brand ready to join the movement accelerating enduring economic and societal growth? If so, then there is still time for you to join us.

To request your invitation to the Summit, and for a one-on-one executive briefing with group leaders, click here.

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