B2B | ANA Magazine | ANA



Through best practices, case studies, interviews, and expert advice, ANA magazine's B2B department provides the strategic and tactical edge marketers need to attract, nurture, and convert today's always-on buyers.

  • How Akamai Answered the 'Why' Regarding Its Brand Purpose

    B2B   November 9, 2022  

    Soon after Kim Salem-Jackson was promoted to EVP and CMO at Akamai in 2021, she realized the company was missing its "why," or how to articulate its brand purpose. After getting buy-in from the CEO, she proceeded to build a coalition across the company to answer the question and integrate the brand purpose throughout the organization.

  • The B2B Buying Cycle Starts to Shift Gears

    B2B   October 26, 2022  

    The B2B purchasing cycle grew in the last two and half years, a new study reveals. To keep pace, marketers need to ramp up their efforts to collaborate with customers and prospects on business and research projects and help ease their pain.

  • B2B SMBs Can Excel in Content Marketing

    B2B   October 12, 2022  

    Content marketing has become de rigueur among SMB companies, but the outcomes leave a lot to be desired. Instead of taking a scattershot approach to generating original content, SMBs need to pick just one content initiative that's valuable enough to cut through the proverbial clutter.

  • Back to the Future for B2B Marketers?

    B2B   October 5, 2022  

    The pandemic seems to have altered the script when it comes to the most effective ways to reach business decision-makers, as B2B brands embrace a hybrid marketing strategy combining analog and digital messaging.

  • B2B Marketers Look to Unlock Gated Content

    B2B   September 23, 2022  

    While some B2B firms continue to put their content behind a firewall because that's how they like generating leads, a rising number of companies think that providing free content is a better way of courting prospects and turning them into customers.

  • Marketers Navigate Uncertain Economic Terrain

    B2B   September 14, 2022  

    B2B marketers continue to monitor what remains an unpredictable economic environment, as the possibility of a recession looms.

  • Rise in Marketing Budgets Tempered by Economic Headwinds

    B2B   August 24, 2022  

    Marketing budgets increased nicely in 2022, growing to nearly 10 percent of total company revenue, according to Gartner. But the upswing is muted by a downward economy. In an interview with ANA magazine, Ewan McIntyre, chief of research and VP analyst at Gartner, said marketers are already feeling the negative impact of severe inflation and must continue finding cost efficiencies and moving toward a digital-first strategy.

  • Connecting the Digital Dots with First-Party Data

    B2B   August 10, 2022  

    Customer data platforms (CDPs) are fast becoming an effective tool for B2B companies to locate, engage, and retain new customers. But adoption rates remain low, and fully leveraging CDPs remains hampered by the inability among B2B marketers to break down their company's business silos and connect the digital dots.

  • B2B Companies Are Having a Tough Time Quitting Cookies

    B2B   July 27, 2022  

    Marketers have had years to prepare for the demise of third-party cookies, coming in 2023. But B2B brands continue to lag in their efforts to adapt, with just 21 percent planning to build out their first-party data strategies this year. As cookies fade, marketers need to recalibrate their technology stack and develop a process for sharing data across multiple departments.

  • The Metaverse Is No Game for B2B Marketers

    B2B   July 20, 2022  

    Most B2B brands are taking a wait-and-see approach toward the metaverse, as they first get a firmer hold on other, less complicated digital channels. At the same time, B2B marketers must weigh this caution against the fact that younger people now transitioning into decision-making roles have been conditioned to a digital-first world in which virtual- and augmented-reality experiences are a natural part of their day.

  • Brands Have to Take a Gut Check Before They Take a Stand

    B2B   June 22, 2022  

    From Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to the fight for racial equality in the U.S., there’s no shortage of issues on which brands might take a stand. But simply speaking out isn’t what customers and prospects are looking for, particularly among millennials. People will see right through companies that insist they are concerned with social issues but do not follow through with any concrete action.

  • The Art of the Zoom

    B2B   June 8, 2022  

    While in-person sales meetings slowly come back and offices start to reopen, digital communications — including video calls — remain the go-to strategy for brands that want to strengthen existing relationships and build new ones.

  • The Growing Innovation Gap Is Costing B2B Brands

    B2B   May 18, 2022  

    There is a serious gap between perception and reality when it comes to B2B marketing innovation, a recent study finds, with many marketers believing they are more competent marketing innovators than the evidence shows.

  • B2B Brands Deploy 'Always-on' Marketing Strategy to Keep Up with Buyers

    B2B   May 4, 2022  

    There are several reasons B2B buyers seek out new vendors, ranging from a problem with an existing solution to relocating the business. But the reality is that buyers could be on the hunt for new vendors at just about any time. That's why marketers need an "always-on" approach to providing relevant content, according to a recent study, making sure they get on the short list of potential suppliers.

  • Will Social Become the Dominant Media for B2B Brands?

    B2B   April 20, 2022  

    Social media has pulled ahead of email marketing as the top marketing tactic for B2B companies, says a recent study. As social platforms command a growing number of ad dollars, the challenge for marketers will be to tailor their messages so they play into the strengths of each channel, whether text for Twitter, visuals for Instagram, or original video content on YouTube.

  • How to Start an ABM Program That Works

    B2B   April 6, 2022  

    A rising number of B2B marketers are starting to adopt account-based marketing (ABM) strategies. But developing ABM programs can't be done quickly, and it requires a concerted effort to align sales and marketing departments.

  • Are B2B Brands Ready for a Privacy-First World?

    B2B   March 23, 2022  

    The pending "cookiepocalypse" combined with new privacy regulations may be a blessing in disguise, as they force B2B marketers to prioritize the cultivation of first-party data. However, a new study suggests that a majority of marketers are not taking the necessary steps to adapt their data approaches and operations accordingly.

  • Waiting for B2B Alignment

    B2B   March 9, 2022  

    Sales and marketing alignment remains one of the toughest challenges among many B2B companies. However, while they may have different views of what defines success, sales and marketing executives are acting much more in tandem when it comes to serving their customers, says a new study. Buyers are also playing a key role in pushing marketers to integrate with their sales counterparts.

  • New Recipe for the B2B Marketing Table?

    B2B   February 23, 2022  

    A recent study reveals that priorities among B2B buyers have shifted dramatically amid the pandemic. No longer satisfied with companies that simply save them time or boost their productivity, decision-makers are now looking for companies that can help them stay on top of the marketplace and deliver their products and services quickly.

  • Many B2B Brands See Themselves As Ethical — Do Their Customers?

    B2B   February 9, 2022  

    B2B marketers see themselves as more ethical and honest than average, according to a recent Forrester survey. However, separate studies show that people have a different take, causing a trust gap within vertical sectors. To start to close the gap, B2B organizations need to conduct a comprehensive assessment of their brand and figure out where the weak spots lie.
