Committees | Events & Webinars | Multicultural Marketing & Diversity | ANA

Multicultural Marketing & Diversity

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Welcome and Introductions (11:00am - 11:05am ET)

Icebreaker & Roundtable Discussion (11:05am - 11:35am)

Session I. How Walmart is transforming its Marketing Efforts to Win with Today’s New Mainstream (11:35am - 12:15pm) 
Walmart is taking an industry-leading approach to growing with today’s new mainstream, which is led by the emerging multicultural majority. By placing high growth multicultural insights at the center of its marketing efforts and integrating teams and processes around that focus, Walmart is authentically connecting with the new mainstream at every step of their marketing journey. 


Casey Schlaybaugh, Vice President, Brand Marketing- Walmart

Luis Montero, CEO- the community

Session II. How Metro by T-Mobile Refocused its Marketing with Authentic Advertising and Products that Speak Directly to Hispanic Consumers (12:15pm - 12:55pm ET)

Over the past year, Metro by T-Mobile has launched an integrated marketing and advertising initiative behind its Nada Yada Yada brand platform created by BarkleyOKRP that sets Metro apart in the category as the only prepaid phone provider without BS speaking directly to the needs of the Hispanic community. Metro has a longstanding history of investing more in the Hispanic community than its competitors and with Nada Yada Yada, it has created new services and offerings, as well as a wide array of advertising campaigns created by native Spanish speakers to connect with its customers more authentically. 

Learn how the brand leveraged the first Hispanic airing of the SuperBowl on Univision and its ongoing development of Nada Yada Yada to grow and build its brand and commitment to the Hispanic consumer.


Emma Velez-Lopez, Senior Brand Manager
Metro by T-Mobile

Javier Valle, Creative Director- BarkleyOKRP

Closing Remarks (12:55pm - 1:00pm)

**Schedule subject to change