Committees | Events & Webinars | Shopper Marketing | ANA

Shopper Marketing

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I. Session 1: Continuous Improvement: How to Maximize Your Shopper Marketing Investment (10:00AM – 10:50AM)
Rick Abens, Founder and CEO of Foresight ROI will discuss Shopper Marketing best practices that drive superior ROI and the journey to becoming a top tier shopper marketing organization.

Rick Abens, 
Founder and CEO, Foresight ROI

COFFEE BREAK (10:50AM – 11:10AM)

II. Session 2: How to Identify Portfolio-Based Opportunities (11:10AM – 12:00PM)
Megan Fedie, Senior Manager, Channel & Shopper Insights, and Kelly Morgan, Senior Manager of Commercial Marketing will share shopper insights and strategies Beam Suntory used to uplift sales. 

Kelly Morgan,
Senior Manager, Commercial Marketing, Beam Suntory
Megan Fedie,
Senior Manager, Channel & Shopper Insights, Beam Suntory

III. Lunch and Learn: Presentation from Yieldbot (12:00PM – 12:30PM)
With heavy data privacy regulations in effect in the EU and the likelihood that similar regulations will come to the U.S., it's important to understand the implications associated with digital marketing. In this session will talk about WHAT GDPR Compliance actually is, WHY we as marketers and advertisers need to pay attention, and HOW we handle cookie-free targeting at Yieldbot with our Intent Targeting solution. We’ll get into the mindset of the shopper, but also the brand and retailer as advertisers and talk about how we have helped our clients continue to drive in-store sales and foot traffic in a measurable, but completely legal way. 

Cristina Costa,
Shopper Marketing Director, Yieldbot

IV. Session 3: Retail Reformation - Re-Imagining the Role of Stores  (12:50PM – 1:40PM)
Even as pressures mount on brick-and-mortar stores, retailers can find growth by focusing on the battlegrounds that are still up for grabs...and re-imagining stores will be at the eye of this storm.

Anne Kronschnabl, 
Associate Partner, McKinsey & Company
Alex Rodriguez,
Partner, McKinsey & Company

V. Roundtable Discussion (1:40PM - 2:10PM)
One of the benefits of ANA Committees is the ability to share and learn from fellow marketers in a "closed door" environment and to leverage and share knowledge and insights with marketing peers. In this roundtable, we will ask members to share 1-2 "hot topics" or key areas of focus/challenge as a way to facilitate more one-to-one networking between members with similar challenges during coffee breaks and lunch. Come prepared to pose questions, exchange ideas and get insights from the group to current challenges, future opportunities and best practices in this “off the record” peer-to-peer conversation.