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Partner Content


From our partners in the ANA Thought Leadership Program: Insights and intelligence that drive brands forward.

  • Monetizing the New Path to Purchase

    Partner Content   November 10, 2020  

    One of the most pronounced effects of the pandemic has been the change in how people shop at brick-and-mortar stores: They have become more deliberate in their behavior, focused on keeping within budgets, making fewer visits, and getting in and out as fast as possible.

  • More Competition, Fewer Ads

    Partner Content   November 5, 2020  

    TV is undergoing a generational shift from linear to a fragmented landscape of digital, over-the-top (OTT), and connected TV (CTV). Now it falls on whether walled gardens or advertisers dictate the terms of this massive transition.

  • It’s a Loungewear World Now

    Partner Content   November 3, 2020  

    With large swaths of the workforce at home or staying home more to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, people are spending a lot more time in leisurewear, research has found. For marketers, the change in wardrobe has some interesting implications that affect inventory, marketing, and messaging. This article dives deep into not only demographics but other nuanced cross-comparisons brands and buyers should know.

  • The Future of Identity Is Being Decided Today

    Partner Content   October 27, 2020  

    The pending changes in the identifier for advertisers (IDFA) are setting off alarms for marketers. To succeed, a true industry solution must work cross-device and cross-screen; allow advertisers to reach their critical audiences; be completely measurable, neutral, and interoperable; and, most importantly, put consumer privacy first. A number of contenders exist, but only one truly fits the bill. Here’s how these identity solutions currently stack up.

  • How to Face the Changed Landscape of Linear and Connected TV

    Partner Content   October 22, 2020  

    In years past, content meant a few highly rated prime programs and sports. Today, it’s thousands of titles available across multiple platforms, so each consumer can seek what they love. So far, it does not look like there will be a winner in the ad-supported streamlining platforms; instead, those that generate great content will get time from consumers. As the TV landscape continues to shift, marketers will need to change in kind; here’s what they can do to adapt.

  • Why COVID-19 Is Driving a Marketing Revolution

    Partner Content   October 15, 2020  

    While consumers are ready for a renewed sense of normalcy, the shift to digital remains. Marketing teams need an integrated, customer-first strategy that aligns with short- and long-term digital behaviors. The strategy should combine digital and traditional tactics, leverage data to personalize campaigns and maximize reach, and be flexible enough to adapt and scale over time.

  • Catering to a New Breed of Shopper

    Partner Content   October 13, 2020  

    The pandemic has raised the stakes and allure of click-and-collect. That’s because it’s a form of commerce offering more than just a convenience for routine weekly grocery shopping, but also a way to avoid stores altogether.

  • Three Ways to Put Data to Work in TV

    Partner Content   October 1, 2020  

    While many marketers currently find themselves in unexpected and challenging situations, they could benefit from using this moment as an opportunity to prepare for what’s next. Doing so will require data and the right technology to wield it. So what should brands do to harness the full effect of data in 2020 and beyond? Here are three ways marketers can put data to work.

  • What Lies Beneath? A Look At America’s Wallet

    Partner Content   September 29, 2020  

    By using the right data to identify differences between two outwardly identical groups, a brand can make better decisions which to reach and how. One key data point that can have major implications for a brand’s marketing ROI? Financial durability.

  • Cross-Screen Measurement Isn’t the Future; It’s Already Here

    Partner Content   September 24, 2020  

    The disruption of TV and the decay of linear reach are here. Technology is giving consumers new ways to view TV content, but TV ad planning and measurement often live within legacy tools built for that time when TV was linear only. That’s changing.

  • The Secret to Advertising During a Crisis? Keeping the Data Close

    Partner Content   September 22, 2020  

    For marketers, the primary benefit of keeping the data close is helping customers transform and adapt their marketing strategies to a rapidly changing landscape. Brands also need to benchmark themselves against macro trends and make data-driven decisions to better navigate the new terrain shaped by the pandemic.

  • How to Manage Advertising Production’s Bigger Picture

    Partner Content   September 17, 2020  

    A strategic, companywide approach to governing production spend is still a relatively new concept for many CMOs, but the approach can help marketers simplify and optimize complex processes by consolidating and standardizing data across all production activity. Here’s how to get started.

  • The Keys to Direct-to-Consumer Success

    Partner Content   September 15, 2020  

    Before rushing to copy the offline marketing efforts of direct-to-consumer brands, it’s crucial for traditional brands to first understand the overall purpose driving the strategy. The timing, messaging, and medium also play a part in the broader scheme of the campaign.

  • Navigating the New Video Landscape

    Partner Content   September 10, 2020  

    Since the pandemic began, video consumption has grown across all categories. But most marketers struggle to take advantage of video because they are caught between traditional linear TV and digital video and they lack the tools to handle both at once.

  • The Dynamics Shaping the 2020 Election Affect Brand Marketing Too

    Partner Content   September 3, 2020  

    As more and more people look to brands to affect positive social change, companies that demonstrate leadership, confidence, responsibility, and, above all, safety, are likely to be rewarded.

  • How Marketers Fulfill Customers’ Desire for Real-Time Brand Experiences

    Partner Content   August 25, 2020  

    Brands have to turn run-of-the-mill interactions with customers and prospects into something remarkable and unexpected. Such experiences not only boost the top and bottom lines but also strengthen brands and turn their customers into advocates for their products and services.

  • Connectivity in an Evolved Media Landscape

    Partner Content   August 20, 2020  

    Partnership breeds trust and collaboration, and there are significant competitive advantages for brands that can establish deep connections with the right set of partners. To help in that selection process, here are three aspects of connectivity that are vital for marketers looking to create stronger integrations and partnerships across media, data, and technology.

  • Are Impressions the Answer to Fragmented TV Measurement?

    Partner Content   August 18, 2020  

    As traditional television markets are transformed by emerging technologies and world events, the time has come for marketers to set aside the GRP and make the leap to impressions.

  • Delivering Experiences Consumers Will Love

    Partner Content   August 4, 2020  

    What can a brand do to differentiate itself and deliver exceptional customer experiences? It starts with connecting data and getting it into an actionable state. Here are four capabilities marketing organizations need to develop insights and take action.

  • Advertising In the Time of COVID-19

    Partner Content   July 14, 2020  

    As time goes on and consumers get conditioned to a “new normal,” they will likely become increasingly open to hearing promotional messages from brands and organizations. They may also welcome some light-hearted advertising, as a break from a stressful environment.
