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AI Forum Meeting - Focusing on Provenance and Legal Challenges to Be Aware Of

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I. Welcome & Committee Overview 

Opening Remarks by:

Michael Donnelly
EVP – AI, MarTech, and Marketing Futures

II. When Knowing if it's AI Matters: Navigating Provenance in Generative AI

Presented by: 

Gretchen Greene
Meta Global GenAI Provenance Policy Lead

Dan Shott
Privacy Policy Manager

As generative AI increasingly powers creative outputs, knowing when content is AI generated (or modified) becomes an important tool for decision making and understanding. This session will explore the concept of provenance in generative AI, examining existing and emerging solutions for identifying AI generated content and for recording more detailed information about the history of creation, from an initial photograph (or video or audio recording) to final content. Join us to gain a deeper understanding of how to ensure transparency, accountability, and trust in the AI-driven creative ecosystem. 

III. Roundtable Discussion with Q&A 

IV. Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should: Ethical and Legal Considerations to Consider as We Embrace AI

Presented by:

Christopher Oswald
EVP – Head of Law, Ethics & Government Relations

Explore the ethical and legal aspects that revolve around artificial intelligence, and what to consider when applying the technology into content, business processes, and more.

V. Roundtable Discussion with Q&A 

VI. Closing Remarks, What's Next?