Brand Purpose/Brands for Humans | ANA Growth Agenda | ANA

Brand Purpose/Brands for Humans

Businesses and brands only succeed when society succeeds, but marketers must also demonstrate rightful empathy around the issues.

This begins by shifting from B2B and B2C toward B4H – Brands for Humans – and embracing a purpose statement focused on maximum market impact.

The Challenge

Having a reason to exist beyond turning a profit is not a novel concept for most brands, but brand purpose has grown in significance and quickly become marketing's new North Star, inspiring brand growth and serving to unite and guide entire organizations.

The ANA’s Response

Through the ANA Community for Purpose, Humanity, and Ethics, the ANA has taken steps to facilitate social responsibility, help brands discover their purpose, and provide marketers with best practices for more ethical marketing.

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Marketing News

Kennedy Tells Food Executives to Get Rid of Artificial Dyes

by Matthew Schwartz, 1 day ago

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. this week told a group of food industry leaders that they must eliminate artificial dyes in their products, adding that if the industry doesn't take action on its own the Trump administration will do so.

Money Slides

Sustainer Lifetime Value by Age

2 days ago

Data shared at the 2025 ANA Nonprofit Conference compares how the giving rates of those over and under the age of 35 evolves over time.

Money Slides

The Most Important Benefits of Partnering with Nonprofits

2 days ago

Cause marketing agency For Momentum shares the results of a survey in which brands identify the benefits that are most important to them as they decide which nonprofits to partner with.

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Bringing marketers together to learn from each other and debate new approaches and solutions to industry hurdles.

A benefit of ANA membership, committee meetings feature a mix of member case studies, perspective from outside experts, and benchmarking/best-practice sharing that drive thought leadership on key industry issues. Each ANA committee meets three to four times per year and can be attended in person or remotely. Depending on the committee, 10 to 30 participants may attend — big enough for diversity of opinion, yet small enough for more intimate exchanges.

See the Growth Agenda in action and learn more about how, as an industry, we're tackling the challenges ahead.

    Go Further

    Learn more about the four growth priorities and the 12 focus areas that comprise the ANA Growth Agenda.