Center for Ethical Marketing | ANA

As a leader in self-regulation, the ANA, through the Center for Ethical Marketing, helps businesses build brand and consumer trust through best practices, guidelines, guidance, compliance services, and committees. The Center seeks to educate, elevate, and advance accountability for the industry and mediate consumer complaints.

Be an ethics advocate for your company or organization – join the Ethics Code Steering Committee, ANA Ethics Policy Committee or contact staff to learn how you can get more involved.

ANA Marketing Code of Ethics: Draft Edition

We're excited to unveil the draft edition of the ANA Marketing Code of Ethics, a framework of high-level principles, guidelines, resources, and examples of ethical marketing and advertising best practices applicable to all entities engaged in marketing, advertising, and fundraising.

This is an evolving document, available for review and feedback below. We're in the process of finalizing and formatting the Code and anticipate the first edition to be publicly available July 2024. The Ethics Code Steering Committee will also reconvene to further enhance the "AI" and "Diversity and Inclusion" sections.

If you are interested in participating in this effort, please contact us through the Code's feedback form or by email at

review the code

Our Services

Go beyond what's legal – do what's right.

ANA DPF Dispute Resolution logo

Global marketing companies and service providers: select ANA as your approved mediator and compliance provider for international data transfers.

View the annual ANA Privacy Shield Reports:

2023 | 2022  |  2021  |  2020  |  2019

DMAchoice logo

Subscribe to ANA’s data hygiene tools, which can save thousands of dollars in prospect promotional mailings while being responsive to consumers, building brand trust, and helping the environment.

Read more about DMAchoice (PDF)

Digital Advertising Alliance logo

ANA serves as one of the compliance arms to the Digital Advertising Alliance’s interest-based advertising opt-out program. Contact staff with any compliance questions.

Connect with the ANA Community

Stay ahead of the regulatory curve.

ANA Center for Ethical Marketing Briefing Request

These briefings are an opportunity for members to ask questions and learn more about the ANA's compliance services, resources, and hot topics of the day, including:

  • Self-regulatory efforts across digital, AI, direct marketing, email, and more.
  • ANA's data hygiene tools, such as our signature prospect mail opt-out list, – a trusted best practice in the industry used nationally by top brands and data providers.
  • Data privacy and compliance as the cookie-less world takes hold, and
  • Your questions!

request to set up a briefing

Ethics Policy Committee

Open to all ANA members with a marketing background and interest in ethics, best practices, and related compliance topics, the Ethics Policy Committee meets quarterly to review pending activities at the federal and state levels, review and provide input to shaping the Guidelines for Ethical Business Practices and related ethical standards, and learn about best practices and key topics in ethical marketing across the marketing ecosystem.

July 11 FUNdamentals of Ethical Marketing: Strategies for Reaching Older Adults
30 Minutes
August 1 Ethics Code Unveiled
30 Minutes
Ethics Webinar Series
Brought to you by the ANA Center for Ethical Marketing, join us as we explore how ethical marketing and best practices must play a key role in your marketing plans.
July 11th FUNdamentals of Ethical Marketing: Strategies for Reaching Older Adults
30 Minutes
August 1st Ethics Code Unveiled
30 Minutes
December 4th December Ethics Code Update
30 Minutes

Take Ethical Marketing to Another Level

Be an ethics advocate for your company or organization – join our LinkedIn group to share best practices, tips, and your concerns about ethical marketing practices. Help us help others do the right thing.

Learn more and join

Ethics Issue Alerts

The latest issues in marketing and ethics.

Honoring Consumers’ Marketing Preferences: The Right Thing to Do

1 week ago

The ANA Center for Ethical Marketing is committed to advancing an ethical marketing ecosystem. Our mission is clear: to promote accountability, protect advertising and marketing freedoms, and build consumer trust. This ethics alert focuses on the need for companies and organizations to instill consumer trust and meet the consumers where they are by honoring their marketing preferences.

Text Marketing: Highly Regulated and Needs Permission

by Senny Boone, 2 months ago

Consumers are likely to believe that the texts received are legitimate and from a trusted source. Unfortunately, consumers have been inundated with so-called unwanted “robocalls” and “robotexts” over many years.

Additional Alerts from the Federal Trade Commission

Best Practices and Compliance Resources

A robust data compliance and accountability tool kit to elevate industry standard practices.

Ethical Business Practice Guidelines and Guidance

Also available as a PDF, these generally accepted principles of conduct reflect the marketing industry’s long-standing policy of promoting the highest levels of ethics in data stewardship and marketing.

List Management Tools

Effective and affordable data hygiene management and compliance tools to help you respect consumer marketing preferences and accelerate your sustainability journey.

Do Not Contact Lists:

Additional Tools:

Consumer Help and Resources

If you have questions about a marketing or fundraising offer or would like more information on how to better manage your marketing experience, please review our consumer toolkit and resources below.

ANA Members Recognize Ethical Practices as a Key to Success

Filing Complaints

The ANA is interested in hearing from you if you believe a direct marketing promotion or practice is questionable and may warrant a formal review by staff or the ANA Ethics Review Committee. The ANA receives and investigates complaints against member and nonmember organizations.

Take the Next Step

Contact the Center for Ethical Marketing team for any questions or concerns

Contact Us