3 Steps to Marketing Planning Success (Micro)
(Micro 60-minute Workshop)
Micro-Workshop Description
In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, the role of marketing stands at the forefront of organizational success. Yet aligning across the various business objectives and working silos facing the marketing organization can prove challenging without a clear plan or process. Marketers that can deploy a proven planning process stand to be much more effective drivers of business value, communicating the key objectives and milestones of successful initiatives and achieving brand lift and growth.
This 60-minute micro workshop will give you a snapshot into the key factors needed to develop a marketing plan that drives value for your organization. Through the use of real-life examples, well-established marketing frameworks, and hands-on exercises, you will learn some of the key fundamentals in building a marketing plan.
As the workshop concludes, a summary of key learnings will be shared, followed by a group exercise to distill takeaways from the session. The workshop wraps up with a discussion on next steps, empowering participants to apply their newfound knowledge to elevate their marketing strategies in an ever-changing business landscape
For those who want to dig deeper on this topic, a companion Full Day training can be brought in-house using your member benefit. Email training@ana.net for details.
Target Audience
This micro workshop is ideal for marketers that are responsible for creating a marketing plan. It is particularly useful for marketers that do not have an existing planning framework or process.
Micro-Workshop Benefits
This 60-minute workshop will show you:
- Where to mine B2B and B2C audience insights
- How to build an integrated plan
- How to tie metrics to business objectives and measure success
Pre-Workshop Preparation
Portions of this workshop will include group work on the Mural visual work platform. For best experience, participants are encouraged to confirm permissions with their company for use on their laptops / workstations prior to the workshop.
Download the full agenda here
Simon Bradley
Simon is an international marketing leader with extensive client side experience with brands like Virgin Atlantic Airways, the New York Knicks, The Rockettes and Madison Square Garden. He is also an Adjunct Professor in Integrated Marketing at New York University.