How to Write an Inspired Creative Brief 201 (Full Day) | School of Marketing | ANA

How to Write an Inspired Creative Brief 201 (Full Day)

The Best-Kept Secret for Transforming Your Clients' Brand
(Full Day Workshop)

This full-day workshop will help your agency team get the kind of powerful creative work that builds your client’s brand. Led by the author of two critically acclaimed textbooks, How To Write An Inspired Creative Brief and How To Write A Single-Minded Proposition, and former ad agency creative director, this workshop guides you through the entire creative brief-writing process, from articulating your client’s problem and objective to crafting an inspired and inspiring single-minded proposition, to best practices for briefing.

This engaging, interactive workshop is packed with individual and team exercises, and examples of exceptional creative briefs and creative work inspired by creative briefs. Quite simply, this course will help you optimize the creative process for which your clients hire you. In short, it will help you deliver the creative work that sells your client’s products and builds long-term client relationships.

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is for agency account planning/management staff, creatives, and strategists, at any level, who are involved in the development of advertising. It is a great introduction for those new to the creative brief process and a welcome refresher for seasoned professionals.

Workshop Benefits

The benefits of attending this workshop fall under the following key drivers of growth: improving marketing effectiveness, increasing marketing efficiencies, and maximizing marketing ROI.

This workshop helps attendees increase marketing effectiveness by teaching them:

  • How to write a Creative Brief that inspires the creative team
  • How to articulate your client’s brand attributes with clarity and assurance

This workshop helps attendees increase marketing efficiency by teaching them:

  • The elements that make any communication clearer, eliminating confusion

This workshop helps attendees maximize marketing ROI by teaching them:

  • How to inspire creativity that gets your creatives to do more effective work faster and with less waste

Download the full agenda here



Howard Ibach

Howard Ibach is an award-winning copywriter & creative director, corporate trainer, podcast co-host, and author of two critically acclaimed graphic textbooks, How To Write An Inspired Creative Brief and How To Write A Single-Minded Proposition. He has been a vocal advocate for creative-brief education for twenty years, the last seven on the faculty of the Marketing Training and Development Center for the nation’s largest client-side trade group, the Association of National Advertisers.

For 26 years, he was an award-winning brand and direct-response advertising copywriter and creative director. He worked at legacy ad agencies, notably Hoffman York & Compton in Milwaukee; DDB Direct, Team One Advertising, Direct Partners, Brierley & Partners, Rubin Postaer & Associates, OgilvyOne, Grey Direct West (now G2) and Wunderman in Los Angeles; Carlson Marketing, Campbell Mithun and Asset Marketing Services Inc., a major retailer of collectible gold and silver coins, in Minneapolis.

In 2021, he and his friend Henry Gomez, VP/Director of Strategy at Zubi Advertising in Miami, launched The Brief Bros., a weekly video podcast on briefs, briefing and advertising. They have recorded and aired more than 180 episodes so far, including interviews with Mark Ritson, Luke Sullivan, Jon Steel, Bob Hoffman, Steve Harrison, Dave Dye and many others.

In 2023, Howard launched The Creative Brief Archive on his website, the first repository of finished creative briefs written by professionals and students and categorized by brand and ad agency. The Archive is free to anyone who wants to read, study, download and comment on briefs.

Howard is also the author of the critically acclaimed and award-winning memoir, Already Home: Confronting the Trauma of Adoption, and a short biographical sketch, Remembering Stanley Holden: Seven seconds the ballet world will never forget. He lives in Southern California.