Committees | Events & Webinars | Talent Forward Alliance | ANA

Talent Forward Alliance

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This Recruiting and Retaining with Purpose committee brings together those who are interested in best practices in how we attract and retain the best talent for our industry. We explore this topic from a variety different angles whether that be through technology, process, or diversity with the goal of creating a wider perspective of how we build the . Typical attendees include marketers, agency HR executives, heads of diversity, heads of recruiting, and university career services.

 CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion (11:30am-12:30pm)

The CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™ is the largest CEO-driven business commitment to advance diversity and inclusion within the workplace. This commitment is driven by a realization that addressing diversity and inclusion is not a competitive issue, but a societal issue. Idalia Hill, Director of External Communications for PwC, will share the journey of how this coalition has evolved since its inception and what role the marketing and advertising industry can play through this platform.

Speaker: Idalia Hill, Director of External Communications, PwC

Building a Marketing Mindset toward Recruiting Great Talent (1:00-2:00pm)

Organizations often talk about the importance of acquiring great talent. However, legacy systems, outdated processes, and cultural barriers prevent many organizations from taking the necessary steps to acquire and retain quality talent. To break through, organizations need to develop a marketing mindset to recruiting, and this panel of experts will explore key questions such as:

  1. What innovative strategies are companies using to find quality talent?
  2. How do these strategies differ for more junior level talent versus more experienced hires?
  3. What are the internal hurdles you are facing to drive change toward a marketing recruiting mindset?
  4. What technologies are companies using to drive recruitment at scale while balancing a more personal touch?

Panel Discussion Participants:


Workshop: Inclusion Index (2:00-4:00pm)

This breakout session will be a follow up to the Diversity Disconnect research the ANA’s Educational Foundation published. One of the key action steps was to create an inclusivity index that measures the level of inclusion of the industry to new hires. Based on input from across the industry, we will be ready to share the underlying methodology of this index along with the approach that we plan to take in launching it.