Profitable Product Audit: Unlocking New Revenue Potential with the Right Products (201) (Virtual) | School of Marketing | ANA

Profitable Product Audit: Unlocking New Revenue Potential with the Right Products (201) (Virtual)

Profitable Product Creation Mastery Program 201*
(Virtual Half Day Workshop)

Virtual Workshop Description
Spending valuable time and resources developing and releasing a product that doesn’t sell, or worse, sells well and does not generate a profit, can sink a company. In today's competitive market landscape, understanding the profitability of a product in your portfolio is paramount to success. This workshop will teach participants how to use the Product Profitability Audit to clarify how to expand their product line to drive profit and identify strategic opportunities.

This virtual workshop builds on the best practice approaches to product (and service) offer creation taught in “Profitable Product Creation & Optimization (101)” and walks participants through an actual profitability audit. Using the tools provided, brands identify where revenue is truly being generated in their existing product line in order to develop new products that increase revenue quickly.

This workshop is not only for physical products businesses, but also for service-based businesses. The efficacy of sales and marketing initiatives hinges on the quality of the products and services offered. Therefore, the first step is to optimize your products for revenue and profit.

This workshop is for you if…

  • You’re not sure which products are making you the most money
  • Your customers aren’t buying more than one of your products
  • You’ve wasted time and money launching products that didn’t sell
  • You don’t have products to upsell to existing customers
  • You have a menu that is multiple pages of products and services
  • You’ve completed “Profitable Product Creation & Optimization (101)” and want to unlock new revenue streams by applying the principles to your own brand

The Profitable Product Creation ToolkitTM is a proven process that will help participants to vet and accurately determine the viability of new products, as well as install a process to audit the profitability of the ones they already have. Participants will leave the training with a clear understanding of how to apply our step-by-step frameworks effectively, positioning themselves for success in any market.

Pre-requisite: Participants are strongly encouraged to have taken the first in this series, “Profitable Product Creation & Optimization (101)”, where they learn the best practice frameworks employed in this session.

*This is the second instalment in the ANA’s 3-part series “Profitable Product Creation Mastery Program”, where participants conduct an in-depth profitability audit of their existing product lines, identify key revenue generators, and develop strategies for quickly increasing revenue by applying the principles learned in “Profitable Product Creation & Optimization (101).”

Target Audience
This workshop is for anyone, at any level, who is involved in the development of new product or service offerings. It is an excellent introduction for those new to product creation and new product marketing while also offering valuable insights and a refresher for seasoned professionals.

This workshop is particularly useful for:

  • Physical Product or Service-Based Business Leaders
  • Marketing Consultants and Specialists
  • Nonprofit executives
  • B2B and/or B2C Marketers

Workshop Benefits
The benefits of attending this workshop fall under the following key drivers of growth: improving marketing effectiveness, increasing marketing efficiencies, and improving marketing return on investment.

Improve Marketing Effectiveness by:

  • Install a process to audit the profitability of existing product/service offers
  • Ensure that new products they release are in-demand and can generate a profit

Increase Marketing Efficiency by:

  • Prioritize which products or concepts the team should focus on first, next, and last

Improve Marketing Return On Investment by:

  • Allocate product development resources to the most profitable, highest potential ideas

Download the full agenda here


  • Mary Czarnecki

    Mary Czarnecki works with brand leaders to apply a customer-centric approach to increase revenue and customer impact. Market-leading brands turn to her to upskill their teams and implement effective marketing strategies. She has worked with clients across numerous industries, including health care, beauty, technology, finance, insurance, and consumer products. She consults with Fortune 500 companies as well as start-ups and entrepreneurs.
