Mastering Your Mission Statement (Virtual) | School of Marketing | ANA

Mastering Your Mission Statement (Virtual)

How to Craft a Mission Statement that Elevates Your Brand Story and Inspires Your Talent
(Virtual Half Day Workshop)

Virtual Workshop Description
A mission statement needs to be exciting and memorable to get investment and buy-in from the team. But most businesses have a mission statement that isn’t working. Instead of inspiring action, it’s being ignored.

When a company’s mission statement and guiding principles are simple and memorable, they are more likely to be acted on and the mission is more likely to be achieved. Unfortunately, too many organizations fill their mission statements with so much jargon and inside language that any impact is lost and the mission forgotten by your teams, resulting in misaligned or lackluster messaging and performance.

This virtual interactive workshop provides teams and team leaders with an easy-to-understand framework to create or improve their Mission Statement, Key Characteristics, and Critical Actions – with the end goal of increasing team alignment and engagement, and inspiring productivity. Participants will learn to hone their mission statement for impact through teaching, brainstorming, and creation. They will leave with an effective mission statement and implementation plan that they can bring back to their organizations and implement immediately.

Target Audience
This workshop is ideal for marketing leaders, managers, executives, and leadership teams.

Workshop Benefits
The benefits of attending this workshop fall under the following key drivers of growth: improving marketing effectiveness, increasing marketing efficiencies, and improving employee alignment and collaboration.

After attending this workshop, participants will be equipped to:

Improve employee alignment and collaboration by:

  • Developing an inspiring Mission Statement using a proven approach
  • Using an effective Mission Statement and Guiding Principles to increase team alignment and productivity, connecting the team’s work to the Mission Statement
  • Leveraging your Mission Statement to support recruitment and retention efforts

Improve marketing effectiveness by:

  • Strengthening your Mission Statement to guide clear communication of your brand story

Increase marketing efficiency by:

  • Motivating your team(s) to align work outputs to a cohesive Mission Statement

Download the full agenda here


  • Mary Czarnecki

    An influential speaker and consultant, Mary Czarnecki is a trusted advisor to professionals who want to make their message matter in an increasingly distracted world. She helps both teams and individuals use the art of storytelling for personal and professional success. Leveraging her experience in marketing and strategy roles with Johnson & Johnson, WebMD, and Accenture, Mary now works with market-leading brands and business leaders, helping them break through the noise and tell their stories with confidence.
