Media Transparency: Prescriptions, Principles, and Processes for Marketers - External Resources | ANA

Media Transparency: Prescriptions, Principles, and Processes for Marketers - External Resources

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Resources for Media Agency Contract Compliance, Media Auditing, and Related Services

Please note this is simply a list of available resources for media audits and media agency contract compliance. ANA is not in the position to provide specific recommendations. If you have changes to your company's information or wish to be listed, please contact Greg Wright (


Ad | Optics

Relevant services:

  • Media, advertising, and marketing financial and operational contract compliance audits (includes ALL marketing supplier/agency types)Guide internal audit, procurement, finance, and marketing operations on performing agency audits
  • Internal marketing, advertising, and media process and internal controls assessments
  • Transparency assessments, including digital media, programmatic, etc.
  • Operational process improvement services and leading practices
  • Contract assessments and assistance with leading practices within agency contracts

Ken Fakler

Advertising Audit & Risk Management (AARM)

Relevant services:

  • Advertising and media agency financial contract compliance audits (all agency types)
  • Test historical agency billings, costs, related party use, staff mix, and accounting systems
  • Agency timekeeping testing and labor/fee reconciliations
  • Holistic advertising and media expense risk mitigation advisory services

Jim Bean
Principal and Co-Founder

ami+partners (Advantage Media, Inc.)

Relevant services:

  • Media performance auditing
  • Media financial auditing
  • Transparent media benchmark pricing
  • Contract compliance review
  • Media agency review

Matthew Reiss

Cortex Media

Relevant services:

  • Agency contract commercial terms review and compensation and fee analysis
  • Financial audits, contract compliance, and transparency reviews
  • Media cost and quality benchmarking and savings tracking

Roland Janisse
Managing Partner

Deloitte Marketing and Advertising Risk Services

Relevant Services:

  • Agency contracting, management, and performance
  • Agency financial transparency and compliance reviews
  • Traditional and digital media performance audits
  • Media measurement, analytics, and insights
  • Data governance, data use, and privacy impact reviews

Maegan Jonson
Managing Director

DG2 Worldwide Group

Relevant services:

  • Advertising and marketing compliance audits and technology solutions (all types)
  • Marketing contract review, process evaluation, data governance, risk management, and transparency assessment
  • Media/digital benchmarking, verification, and performance and advisory support
  • Agency organizational structure, labor efficiency, resource assessment, and KPI recommendations (Should-Cost Analysis)
  • Monthly agency invoice validation and documentation and MSA compliance review
  • Continuous Monitoring as a Service (CMaaS)
  • Agency orientation transition support
  • Global marketing spend data scrubbing and cleansing analysis

Michael Lay
Founder and Chief Executive Officer


Relevant services:

  • Media benchmarks and auditing
  • Digital operations reviews
  • Agency pitch management
  • Agency relationship management
  • Agency staffing and remuneration
  • Media organization / process review
  • Advertising technology strategy and data governance

Paul Williamson
Managing Director, North America

ECI Media Management

Relevant services:

  • Pitch management
  • Media benchmarking and auditing
  • Financial auditing, remuneration, and contract compliance
  • Media strategy consulting
  • Media training and workshops

Colin Linggo
Senior Vice President, Head of Media Investments and Operations, North America


Relevant services:

  • Contract compliance audits across all marketing supplier types:
    • Media
    • Digital Supply Chain
    • Influencers / key opinion leaders
    • E-commerce
    • Creative / BT
    • Field force / merchandisers
    • PR
    • Sponsorship / activation
    • Point of sale
  • Exit audits to provide a financial reconciliation once the agency contract is terminated
  • Transparency audits for in-house buying and technical costs
  • Invoice reconciliation audits

Note: FirmDecisions is a subsidiary of Ebiquity

Grant Thornton

Relevant services:

  • Contract review
  • Media agency contract compliance audits
  • Forensic, investigative, and dispute services
  • Data governance, data use, and privacy reviews
  • Traditional and digital media performance audits
  • Financial media audits

Lawrence Griff
Partner in Charge

ID Comms

Relevant services:

  • Media investment auditing
  • Agency performance management
  • Investment tracking and KPI benchmarking
  • Media optimization management
  • Media quality management
  • Supply chain management
  • Programmatic control assessment
  • Media operations assessment and optimization
  • Pitch management support

P.J. Leary
Global Chief Executive Officer, Optimization

isd, Inc.

Relevant services:

  • Media audits, analysis, and optimization
  • Media cost and quality benchmarking
  • Media value and savings measurement
  • Continuous measurement, assessment, and improvement of media performance

George Searle
Chief Executive Officer


Relevant services:

  • Internal media management process assessments
  • Agency contract reviews
  • Financial, operational, and remuneration contract compliance audits (all agency types)
  • Ad-exchange buyer compliance audits
  • Forensic, investigative, and dispute services
  • Marketing procurement services
  • Agency management and marketing transformation

Ryan Bricker
Director, Contract Compliance Services


Relevant services:

  • Agency contract review, compensation benchmarking, and transparency best practices
  • Client media management operations, benchmarking, and best practices
  • Marketing organizational structures and processes
  • Agency performance evaluation, relationship optimization, and agency reviews

Michael Kassan
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Media Marketing Compliance

Relevant services:

  • Financial contract compliance auditing of ALL marketing categories/agencies in the U.S. and worldwide
  • Agency remuneration reconciliation
  • Agency operations, processes, and risk management
  • MSA review, transparency assessment, and best practices
  • Training and workshops

Fiona Foy
Senior Partner, Americas


Relevant services:

  • Agency selection and pitch management
  • Agency governance and contract (re)negotiation
  • Operating model assessment and digital transformation
  • Bringing services in-house and data/tech evaluation
  • Media auditing and agency performance management
  • Digital performance tracking and optimization

David Strome
Client Development Director, USA


Relevant services:

  • Always-on, real-time (daily) digital media performance assessment, optimization, and reporting
  • Programmatic process, control, and transparency assessment and reporting
  • Media measurement, analytics, and insights
  • In-housing media and agency transition services for data management, best practices, and analysis
  • Data governance, configuration, taxonomy, cleansing, and transformation
  • Media data and marketing technology evaluation and stack recommendation
  • Marketing operational process improvement services and leading practices

Scott East
Chief Executive Officer/Founder 


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)

Relevant services:

  • Agency contract reviews and financial compliance audits (all agency types)
  • Transparency assessments
  • Media intelligence: Traditional and digital media performance assessments and benchmarking
  • Marketing/media effectiveness
  • Media operations, risk management, process, and controls assessments and best practices

Rick Gonzalez
Media and Advertising Assurance Services Leader


Relevant services:

  • Agency model consulting
  • Marketing technology effectiveness audit
  • Best practice analysis for bringing services in-house

Greg Paull
Co-Founder and Principal

ReedSmith LLP

Relevant services:

Agency contract review and guidance, including:

  • Agency contract review and guidance, including:
    • Drafting and negotiation of advertiser/agency agreement templates and amendments
    • Review and analysis to improve current advertiser/agency agreements
    • Advice and counsel on transparency issues, data access, data monetization, and industry best practices on both a U.S. and global basis
    • Oversight of audits and implementation of governance principles
  • RFP consulting
  • Representation of advertisers in litigation and dispute resolution between advertisers and agencies

Reed Smith has developed a media agency Master Media Planning and Buying Services Agreement which can be used by advertisers in developing their own agency agreements.

Keri Bruce

Nick Swimer
Partner, London

Siegal Advisory Solutions, Inc.

Relevant services:

  • Media auditing
  • Collaborative, non-confrontational marketing and media agency compliance auditing
  • Operational process improvement services

Bob Siegal

Wanamaker Associates

Relevant services:

  • Agency performance evaluations with client satisfaction benchmarking
  • Contract and compensation design/evaluation/auditing
  • Media auditing and benchmarking
  • Process improvement studies

Kenneth Bowes
President, Founding Partner

As of July 2024