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Government Relations

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Welcome and Housekeeping (2:00 - 2:05 PM)

2024 Congressional Preview & Federal Tax Outlook (2:05 - 2:35 PM)
The Trump v. Biden rematch is nearly a done deal at this point, but Congress has a lot to get through before they can hit the campaign trail for their own reelections. How likely is it that everything will get done that needs to be done?  And with the Trump tax cuts expiring next year, where does Congress go from here on taxes? Will advertising be in the mix again?  

Speaker: Drew Goesl, Partner, Capitol Counsel, LLC

Refresher on ANA's State Legislative Tracking Service (2:35 - 2:55 PM)
One of the important benefits of ANA membership is access to our state legislative tracker. We want all of our members to take advantage of this great resource. We'll have a recap on how to use the tracker and what bills we follow.

Speaker: Austin Young, Senior Policy Analyst, FOCUS, a Leonine Business 

State Tax Discussion (2:55 - 3:20 PM)
State level tax bills, modeled on Maryland's digital advertising tax, keep popping up around the country.  ANA works with Americans for Digital Opportunity to ensure digital advertising and the entrepreneurial opportunities it creates are not made less accessible or needlessly expensive through taxation. ADO will provide an update on where things stand as state legislatures get ready to end their winter sessions.

Speaker: Doug Mayer, President, Americans for Digital Opportunity (ADO)

Open Discussion: What's Keeping You Up at Night? (3:20 - 3:45 PM)
Guided by ANA staff